Hong Kong Pest Management Association
Objectives of the Association shall be :
a) To promote the interests and general welfare of the persons / organization directly or indirectly engaged
in the pest control industry.
b) To conduct and promote scientific, technical and business researches.
c) To promote a broader understanding and acceptance of the pest control industry as indispensable to the
health, comfort, safety and convenience of the public.
d) To encourage, establish and maintain high standards of competence, knowledge and performance.
e) To encourage and establish ethical methods of competition.
f ) To co-operate with government authorities for the benefit of the community and the pest control industry.
g) To co-operate with scientific and educational institutions in matter of interest to the pest control industry.
h) To disseminate, by all appropriate means, accurate knowledge and information with respect to the pest
control industry.
i ) To promote a closer and more friendly relationship among those engaged in the industry.
j ) To do all other acts that are lawful and appropriate in the furtherance of the above objects.
電話:(852) 2572 7365
傳真:(852) 2572 7366
電郵:[email protected]
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