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The Association was established in 1965; and this year has been its 44th Anniversary.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-06-15 刊登者: 香港瓦通紙業廠商會


香 港瓦通紙業廠商會為本港紙品行業之核心組織,於1965年成立,迄今己有44年歷史。本會得以成立,承蒙業界元老賢達慷慨捐助,購置會址,努力 不懈推動及發展會務。一直以來,經歷屆賢能之士領導,恪遵商會宗旨,精心營謀,加上同仁集思廣益,努力進取,使會務逐步發展,日趨完善。

The Hong Kong Corrugated Paper Manufacturers’ Association is the core organization of Paper Products trade in Hong Kong. The Association was established in 1965; and this year has been its 44th Anniversary. Thanks for the founder members who had generously donated foundation funds for purchasing the Association premises, and worked very hard in promoting the activities of the Association. The Association was running in compliance with the laid objectives and managed under the prudent leadership of the Directorate Board term    

after term eversince its establishment. Coupled with members’ contribution, productive ideas and aggressive-
ness, the Association has been grown up systematically and healthily.  


The Association is registered in accordance with the Ordinance of the Government of Hong Kong (now re-named as Government of Hong Kong S.A.R.) and as per the laid down objectives of the Association. It is administered by the Directorate Board consisting of 23 Directors. The Board is of a 2-year term and is formed by a general election among all members bi-yearly, and this year has already the 20th Term.

在 八十年代,隨著中國的經濟開放政策,為外來投資者提供大量而低廉的勞動力﹑廉宜而廣大的廠房用地,供廠商生產及發展用途。香港各製造行業的生產線 從這時開始已漸漸北移。紙品行業自然亦不例外,順應形勢,將生產線遷往內地繼續發展。由於地理環境關係,紙品廠商多遷往珠江三角州地區,而大部分都集中在 深圳﹑東莞﹑中山等地區,有小部分則遷往較遠的地區如廣州﹑上海等地區。

In the 80’s, following the open policy of Mainland, China, which provided investors, especially for the manufacturing industries, with large amount of labour force and land at a very low-cost level. Under these favourable conditions, the Hong Kong industrialists, at that time, had begun to move their plants and production lines to Mainland China to continue their business. Our paper product trade is no exception, quite a number of our members had followed suit under the tendency. For geographic consideration and convenience, most of the plants were moved to those districts/areas near the Delta of the Pearl River (Zhujiang Delta), and are mainly situated at Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhongshan etc., and a few of them were moved a bit further north such as Guangzhou , Shanghai etc.

香 港在1997年7月份主權回歸中國,而成為香港特別行政區。換言之,香港是中國的一部分,在「一國兩制」的體制下運作;加上中港兩地往還頻繁,港 商已與在內地的企業結合,不可分割。亦由於這個關係,本會主要任務之一,為擔當著與內地政府部門溝通的橋樑角色,處理協調方面的工作。本會經常透過中聯辦 約見及訪問國內各政府部門如國務院﹑海關總署﹑國稅局﹑經貿委﹑地方海關﹑鄉鎮政府等反映日常營運上的情況,提供意見,謀求進步,以保障會員們在內地設廠 投資的權益。

In July, 1997, Hong Kong had returned its sovereignty to China, and the Government of Hong Kong, S.A.R. was established at the same time. In other words, Hong Kong in one of the special region of China, and administered under the Basic Law in accordance with the concept of "One Country Two System". Coupled with the close and frequent business activities among the various districts in Mainland China and Hong Kong, their relationship has reached to a state that cannot be separated. Also, for this reason, one of the main aims of our Association is to take up the role as the bridge function in coordinating and liaising with the Mainland Government Offices for improving the conditions and smoothness in the daily operations. The Association used to, through the assistance of the Liaison Office of the C.P.G. in H.K., arrange interview reception and/or visits the officials of the respective Mainland Government Offices to reflect members’ views in the related commercial activities. The purpose is to protect the interest of our members who had run their business in the Mainland. The Government offices involved are the State Council, Customs General Administrative, State Administration of Taxation, District Customs Offices, and the Counties etc.

由 於會員們都是在內地設廠生產及業務往來的關係,本會與中國包裝技術協 會及深圳市包裝行業協會有著緊密的聯繫,對加強拓展包裝行業在國內的未來發展,有所貢獻。會長馬偉武先生已當上深圳包協的榮譽會長,而在2000年,他更 被委任為中國包協的副會長,奠定了我們紙品行業未來在中國發展的基石。

另 一方面,本會自1993年開始,與新加坡瓦楞紙業廠商會等籌組一東南亞地區瓦楞紙箱協會。經三年多的努力,並得王安邦先生的協助,成功邀請了馬來 西亞﹑印尼﹑印度﹑菲律賓﹑泰國﹑台灣等東南地區加入,組成亞洲區瓦楞紙箱協會(Asian Corrugated Case Association, ACCA)。該協會於1997年在新加坡正式註冊成立而就職典禮則於同年六月三日在香港舉行。該協會成立宗旨主要為:

(甲) 推動國際經驗與瓦楞技術交流;
(乙) 推動國際性瓦楞專業方面的學術與培訓合作;
(丙) 推動國際性瓦楞標準與市場拓展;
(丁) 維繫與國際性瓦楞組織的緊密聯繫。

該 會的理事會任期為兩年。第一屆創會會長由新加坡王安邦先生出任,第二屆為本會樂可永先生。2001年為第三屆,會長一職由馬來西亞廖寶浩先生任。同時,該 協會(ACCA)亦已加入了美國的International Corrugated Case Association(ICCA)為會員。


地址: 香港九龍彌敦道568號僑建大廈15字樓
電話: (852)23856894
傳真: (852)27704727
電郵: [email protected]

網址: http://www.hkcpma.org.hk

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