創研環境淨化 ── 去甲醛公司
嚴選 100% 純天然植物 提煉而成的 "空氣觸媒”,日本製造 天然無污染 安全可靠。
利用專業儀器測量,找尋 甲醛 及揮發性有機化合物 (VOC) 之源頭,徹底清除,淨化環境及空氣。
施工後能有效分解 甲醛 和 VOC、減低異味;在傢俬表面形成抗菌塗層,持續殺菌及防霉。
通訊地址: 香港 葵涌工業街23-31號 美聯工業大廈20樓D2室
聯絡電話: (852) 6488 9818
電郵信箱: [email protected]
Air Catalyst is the most advanced environmental technology in Japan. With the choice of 100% pure natural materials extracted from plants and manufactured in Japan, it is pollution-free, safe and reliable, especially suitable for pregnant women, infants, toddlers and those sensitive to chemicals.
We have a professional team. Our experienced technicians provide satisfactory service of inspection, measuring, evaluating and VOC control processing.
Using professional instruments to measure, the origin of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can be found and decomposed completely, purifying indoor air and environment with good quality.
Effectively remove the bad smell especially after renovation. An antimicrobial coating is formed on the surface of furniture, enabling effective sterilization and anti-mildew.
Address: Unit D2, 20/F, Mai Luen Industrial Building, Kung Yip Street 23-31, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
Tel : (852) 6488 9818
E-mail: [email protected]