新型專利 徵求代理商 有意者: [email protected]
Transparent Heat Insulation Spray
Custome service Email: [email protected]
1. 產品功能特性:
Product Properties:
隔熱:玻璃隔熱噴劑長效阻隔太陽光內的紅外線,紫外線的等進入室內或車內,阻擋熱能的傳送,,達到溫度降溫的效果Heat Insulation: the glass heat insulation spray can effectively prevent infrared and ultravioletrays from entering rooms or cars for a long time, stop heat transmission and lower temperature.
高透明: 噴劑噴後仍可達到可見光透視率: 80%以上
High Transparency: the VLT of the glass sprayed can still be over 80%.
節能, 省電:有效的降低溫度,節省冷房的電費消耗支出符合環保的要求
Energy and Power Conservation: it can effectively lower temperature and save
electricity expenses of air-conditioned rooms. Meets environmental protection guidelines.
Easy to Use: fast, convenient and efficient. At present, it is the only product on
The market which can be used directly without spending extra money buying other
equipment or tools
Patent: this spray has taken out a new-type patent of the Republic of China.