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中永工程:香港唯一認證megatec G3®和MT1000R®供應商,專賣以聚氨脂為材料的天面板,牆面板,工業提升門

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2018-01-05 刊登者: China Wing Engineering Limited

中永工程有限公司 China Wing Engineering Limited 

contact:26920161   :95651725 嚴小姐  Email:sales@chinawingeng.com.hk

中永工程有限公司始創於1989 年,專注發展屋面板及牆板系統以及承包相關鋼構工程。中永工程為全港唯一得到香港屋宇處認證的Megatec G3®和MT1000R®供應商.本公司一直秉承提供優質產品與服務的精神,在公營及私人項目獲得了客戶及業界的支持和肯定。隨著香港業務發展穩步上揚,中永工程於2000 年起進軍內地市場。時至今日,中永產品系列已被廣泛應用在各式各樣的大型屋面、牆板、鋼構的設計及安裝工程。為了配合市場的急速發展及轉變,我們不斷推陳出新,向客戶提供更多更優質的選擇。其中無縫鋁合金天面扣板系列、聚氨脂複合牆板系列、岩棉纖維屋面和牆板冷庫系列(包括流動冷庫)等產品已在全港及國內廣泛使用。



中永工程使用的聚氨脂保溫材料皆符合BS 476: Part 6 class 0,Part 7 class1,以及達到香港HKQAA ISO9001:2008的標準要求。

中永工程的岩棉保溫材料通過BS 476: Part 22的測試。





中永牆面板由兩層金屬板夾著一層絕緣的聚氨脂纖維所組成。牆板普遍為1000mm寬,其長度主要根據個別設計以及工廠限制而制定。有多種板縫,板寬可供選擇,滿足不同需要。中永牆面板已廣泛應用於工業、商業、倉庫和公共建築。面板也可用於內隔牆,隔音隔熱。我們提供12.5mm 寬縫及1000/900/800mm 不同寬度的組合,靈活性高,可滿足多樣化的工程設計要求。



中永工程聚胺酯 (Polyurethane):

  • 聚胺酯擁有優良的隔熱性能,冷熱保溫的效果均極佳。
  • 添加了中永獨家的阻燃劑,使其防火,阻燃,耐高溫。
  • 中永工程聚胺酯較其他物料薄,可減少建築物外圍結構的厚度,從而增加室內使用面積。
  • 抗變形能力強,不易開裂,十分安全。
  • 環保,中永工程使用的聚胺脂不含氟利昂,保溫能力出色,可節省電力並減少釋放有害氣體
  • 意大利品質保證,由意大利的高科技技術支持,再配合尖端的連續式生產線,生產的天面板、牆面板及工業提升門的質素都是十分優良的。

Established in 1989, China Wing Engineering Limited is a civil engineering company which specializes in proprietary roof cladding systems, wall
cladding systems and structural steelwork. Our company has maintained an excellent reputation for providing high-quality products and services in the industry. With the steady growth of our business, China Wing has entered the mainland China market in 2000 and has since then served both the public and private sectors. Today, China Wing Product  Series are used in a variety of large-scale projects including roof, wall, and steel structure design and installation works. The diversity of our products played an important role on catering the market expansion and customer needs. Our popular series -- Seamless Aluminium Alloy Roof Panel, Rock Wool Composite Wall Panel, PU Roof & Wall Cold Storage Series (include mobile cold storage) are widely used in mainland China and Hong Kong.

The panel uses color steel and rock wool composite in between. You can choose wrinkle or smooth surface. There are three pressing shapes to choose from, namely square, deep channel shallow channel.

Roof panel

The roof panel is manufactured in accordance with a patented system by China Wing. It consists of a profiled external steel sheet and an internal micro-ribbed steel sheet, with an insulation core of high-density PU foam. The high-density PU foam completely fills the space between the metal facings. 

Wall Panel

China Wing wall panels are made of composite panels that are formed by two metal sheets and linked by a layer of insulating material – PU foam. Panels are manufactured in 1000 mm wide modules, their length depends on the specific design requirements and the feasibility of the manufacturing factory. China Wing panels are designed to provide a high-performance panel interface with high flexibility.It is widely used for industrial, commercial, warehouses and public buildings and it also can be used as the internal building partition. We offer reveals with a width of 12.5mm and width with 800/900/1000mm to accommodate nearly any design requirements.

Industrial door

Industrial Sectional Overhead Doors is windproof, thermal insulated and sound insulated. The door implements low-power transmission technology and uses spring devices to achieve vertical or turning left along the wall. This system can help to save the energy. Apart from requiring little space on both sides, safety devices are installed to avoid accidents during daily operations. At emergency, the door can be controlled manually for evacuation. Users can control the door using light controls and remote controls.

China Wing Polyurethane:

  • Good heat insulation performance

  • Non-combustible,  fire retardant is added to our polyurethane

  • Flexible 

  • Tear Resistance

  • Technical support from Italy

  • Environmentally friendly


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