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此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-05-22 刊登者: 實用地板工程公司

DUROFLOR 無縫地板系列,具備多用途、耐用性能高、防塵 、耐磨損及抗化學物等多種優良性能。而實用地板工程公司為DUROFLOR獨家專利配方制造及舖設商。
DUROFLOR 無縫地板系列,以各種不同性能的高份子聚合樹脂組合而成,制成一系列不同結構、性能的無縫地板,如環氧樹脂地板系列、自流平塑膠英泥地坪、抗UV聚胺酯面塗和路面防滑鋼砂工程,以配合各工商業客戶不同的需求。
DUROFLOR 地板系列的原材料,均由西德、歐盟等各大化工制造廠所供應,能提供高質量及信心的保證。而本公司具有一套完善技術規範,由材料調配、制造、專業地盤施工, 至完成後的地板保養,均由本公司經驗豐富的工程技師親自施工和管理。再加上本公司二十多年的地板工程施工經驗,能提供耐用、美觀、高質量的地面設施被廣泛 應用於各工商行業。

Duro ER-80 Epoxy flooring system

Duro ER-80 is a two component, multi-purpose epoxy flooring system. By incorporating solvent free epoxy resin as a body-layment and functional epoxy topcoat, which provides floor surfaces with excellent resistance to mechanical wear and chemical attack.
ER-80 環氧樹脂無縫地板,無溶劑型環氧樹脂石英砂膠再覆合環氧顏色面塗,超高強度加優良抗化學性能,適合各類廠房、倉庫、運貨通道及停車場。
Duro ER-80S Self-levelling epoxy seamless flooring

Duro ER-80S is a two component solvent free, epoxy-based self-levelling topping that provides floor surfaces with excellent resistance to mechanical wear and chemical attack. It can be supplied in a variety of surface colours.
ER-80S 自流平環氧樹脂砂膠施工,無縫鋪設及多種顏色選擇,抗酸鹼、耐磨抗壓及防塵易清潔。適合各類廠房生產線、光碟及GMP規格製藥無塵房。
Duro ER-82 High solid epoxy texture coating (matt)

Duro ER-80S is a two pack product based on epoxy resin with low solvent content (high-solid). It provides remarkable resistance to abrasion, chemicals and non-slip surface, thus making daily maintenance job much easier. It is an ideal paint offering colourful decoration as well as durable wear for various floorings.
Duro SF series Self-levelling overlayment floor screed

Duro SF is a rapid setting self-levelling mortar based on polymer modified cementitious material, which is an ideal as floor or deck topping and can be leveled over any interior and exterior sound concrete surfaces. It can be applied at thickness 4mm to 12mm and provides floor surfaces with excellent resistance to mechanical wear.
Duro SF自流平聚合塑膠英泥砂漿,比傳統英泥地台優勝,可薄層施工(4 -12mm) 而能承受重壓,快速施工節省時間,適合各類室內、外地坪、倉庫及商舖。
Duro ER-85 Road surface anti-skid system

Duro ER-85 is a two component, solvent-free epoxy resin combined with metallic non-ferrous flooring aggregate provides an effective slip resistant surface suitable for driveways, parking deck, ramps and workshop floors.
ER-85 路面防滑鋼砂工程,為高耐壓及特強防滑的

公 司: 實用地板工程公司
Durable Flooring Company
地 址: 香港新界沙田火炭坳背灣街34-36號豐盛工業中心A座5字樓10室
    Rm.10, 5/F, Block A, Veristrong Industrial Centre, 34-36 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
聯 絡 人: 詹先生 / Mr Jim
聯絡電話: (852) 2699 1560
其他電話: ( 852) 9271 9433
網 址: www.duroflor.com.hk
電郵地址: [email protected]
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性