本人現任職MYOB公司負責MYOB支援及培訓服務, 而且利用MYOB處理全盤會計帳目已有10年經驗. 本人想在業餘時間為閣下提供MYOB上門服務. 另外, 我可以提供簿記, 會計及報告撰寫服務
I am working for the MYOB company and my job duty is to provide MYOB software support and training to clients. Besides, I have more than ten years experience handling full sets of account using MYOB. Now I can provide on-site MYOB support after my office hours. Besides, I can provide bookkeeping, accounting and reporting services.
The fee is HK$200 per hour
TEL / Whatsapp: 5109 0694 SEESY
Email: [email protected]