1. 88DB
  2. 商業
  3. 會計及稅務


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2019-03-28 刊登者: 慕時會計服務公司
    專業會計 核數,稅務 公司秘書服務   Text,Font,Blue,Line,


人是執業會計師,持有會計學士學位,,任職會計師事務所,從事會計審計核數多年,熟識稅務條例及其運作,會計賬目及公司秘書,服務貼心,價格相宜,致力提供專業可靠的會計服務,核數服務,專業稅務意見以及公司秘書等一條龍服務,助你輕鬆解決一切會計及報稅問題。(I am a certified public accounts from HKICPA, working in a CPA firm for years, provide accounting, auditing and taxation services)

處理一般會計賬目,使用會計軟件入賬,方便匯出各種電子賬目及進行數據分析 (accounting service, using accounting software, export different financial reports for financial analysis)

編制財務報表 ,按需要提供月度、季度及年度財務賬目 (preparing monthly, quarterly or annually financial statements)

整理會計單據 (arranging and filing of supporting invoices, receipts and other accounting documents)

提供稅務意見,深入分析個人及公司稅務狀況,充分利用稅務減免,提供全面可行的稅款節省方案, 稅務分析包括薪俸稅、物業稅、利得稅及印花稅 (providing taxation services and professional comments and planning on individual and company tax position, provide tax planning and analysis services to save tax in a legal way. Services included salaries tax, property tax, profits tax and stamp duty)

編制利得稅計算表 (preparing profits tax computation)

填寫利得稅報稅表 (completing profits tax return)

填寫個別人士報稅表 (completing salaries tax return)

核數審計服務,處理核數師查問及一切年報問題 (providing audit services and handling auditor's enquiries)

填寫僱主報稅表 (completing the Employer's return)

向稅務局申請延遲遞交報稅表,申請緩繳暫繳稅及處理其他稅務事宜 (request extension from Inland Revenue Department, withholding tax payment and other tax services)

服務對象:            一般中小企業(SME)

服務收費             每月低至HK$500,視乎文件數量 (monthly fee:HK$500 up, depending on the numbers of documents and transactions)

歡迎致電查詢及索取報價 9679 5082李小姐 (if you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me at 9679 5082 Miss Lee)

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