1. 88DB
  2. 商業
  3. 會計及稅務

專業會計、報稅、公司秘書 (Accounting, Audit, Tax)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2018-03-28 刊登者: 專業會計



I have been engaged in auditing, tax consulting, accounting and company secretarial services for more than 20 years and have good knowledge in Hong Kong Accounting Standards, Inland Revenue Ordinance and Companies Ordinance. I have pleasure to provide professional services for small and medium-sized enterprises in various industries in the areas of accounting, tax and company secretarial. The scope of my services includes:


會計記帳及稅務 (Accounting & Tax)

根據適用的會計準則,按月、季、年度編製會計帳目   (Compiling books of accounts on monthly, quarterly or yearly basis in accordance with applicable accounting standards);

財務報表分析   (Analysis of financial statements);

安排年終帳目審計、有限公司利得稅申報、個人所得稅申報、稅務糾紛咨詢   (Arranging year-end accounts audit, tax reporting for limited companies, individuals and providing advisory service for tax dispute);


公司秘書服務 (Company Secretarial Service)

成立香港有限公司 (Incorporation of limited companies in Hong Kong)

周年申報表 (Preparation of annual return)

股份轉讓證記及厘印 (Shares transfer)

股東、董事及公司秘書變更申報 (Registration for changes in Shareholders, Directors and Company Secretary)

有限公司清盤及除名 (Winding-up and deregistration of limited companies) 



Reasonable fee would only be charged for the above service. Please feel free to contact me for quotation.


電話 (Phone)94709748


電郵 (Email)[email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性