MBA, CPA & Chartered Management Accountant (CIMA) with WELL COMPREHENSIVE EXPERIENCES on below areas:-
資深會計師, 擁有豐富經驗
- accurate book record keeping, financial reports generating & financial analysis
準確會計入賬, 財務報表 (月結及年結) 及會計財務分析表等
- professional advices on accounting, finance, tax matters & China business WOFE set up
提供以下專業服務 (會計, 財務, 稅務, 協助辦理中國公司成立)
- advices & support on set up CREDIT LINES facilities with banks and financial institutes
- Committed & Attentive to Detail
Contact email: [email protected] & phone number: 98501262, Ms. Tsoi (蔡小姐)