Edward Lau CPA (Practising)
請閲我們的專業網頁: www.edwardlaucpa.com
由香港執業會計師(CPA (Practising)), 特許財務分析師(CFA)及金融風險管理師(FRM), 香港稅務學會會員 辦理,專業、穩妥、快捷。
**請各位小心,「審計報告」是需要由香港會計師公會發給具執業證書(俗稱PC)的會員(執業會計師)去簽署,客戶如找非執業會計師處理 (行業內稱為"艇仔"),需自理各種風險 (由於這些「艇仔」本身不是公會會員,所以香港會計師公會很難受理甚至管制這類公司,如告上法庭,口述的證供也模糊,到最後難以取回已付的金額或文件,造成損失。而法例禁止「艇仔」用執業會計師的名稱。)
- 法定審計 (年度核數)
- 非法定審計(監管局審計,企業內部審計等)
- 企業投資財務分析研究及建議
- 企業風險分析和管理
- 企業合併,收購和重組服務
- 以專業會計軟件MYOB 製作財務報表,包括資產負債表、現金流及損益表等
- 為公司財務狀況作出分析並提供獨立專業意見
- 金融投資產品估值
稅務服務 ( 個人、獨資業務、合夥業務、無限公司及有限公司)
- 為客戶作稅務代表, 填報報稅表
- 為公司及個人作稅務計劃以減低應繳稅項
- 遺產稅及印花稅節稅計劃
- 為客戶回答稅務局提問, 應付稅務調查及作稅務上訴
- 為客戶填寫美國FATCA Form W-8
- 成立香港及海外公司
- 更新及維護公司法定記錄
- 安排週年股東大會, 董事會議及其相關文件
- 準備及提交週年申報表
- 提供代理股東及董事
- 提供註冊和商業登記地址
- 辨理及更新商業登記
- 辨理公司徹銷註冊
- 開立銀行戶口
- 提供銀行等要求的經認正副本 (Certified true copy) (由執業會計師簽名核實)
詳情請聯絡 劉先生
電話 : (852) 5982 0218 (whatsapp, wechat, line)
傳真 : (852) 2790 5719
電郵 : [email protected]
網頁: http://www.edwardlaucpa.com
香港: 中環德輔道中19號環球大廈24樓2404室
新界: 沙田禾寮坑路2-16號安盛大廈五樓G室
Please visit our web for details: www.edwardlaucpa.com
Provide professional accounting, auditing, taxation, company set up and register, company restructuring, company secretary, company de-registration and liquidation, corporate risk analysis and management, etc service.
Handle by team of professional, including CPA (Practising); Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Financial Risk Manager (FRM), Hong Kong Tax Faculty Memeber. Professional , reliable and responsive services will be provided.
Our clients are engaged in a wide range of industries and business, including international insurance company, investment holding company, electrical engineering company, global consultancy services company, restaurant group, trading company, garment company, design company, private clients, etc
We have been providing integrated professional services to clients over years. We provide our professional and independent business advices from client point of view, therefore, we built up long term trust and partnership relationship with our clients and witnessed their business growth.
Reasonable price. Welcome for any enquiry.
Auditing services
- Statutory annual audit.
- Non statutory audit (including compliance audit, company internal audit, etc).
Business advisory services
- Corporate project investment analysis.
- Corporate risk analysis and risk management.
- Corporate merger & acquisition (M&A) and restructuring.
Accounting services
- Using professional accounting software (MYOB) to prepare financial statements, including statement of financial position, statement of cash flow and income statements.
- Provide analysis on the financial situation of company.
- Valuation of investment products.
Taxation services (Personal, sole proprietorship, partnership, limited and unlimited company)
- Filling tax return.
- Tax planning preparation.
- Act as the tax representative of our customers on objection of tax assessments and reply of tax enquiries from IRD.
Company secretary services
- Set up Hong Kong and overseas company.
- Prepare annual general meeting notice and minutes.
- Prepare and submit annual return.
- Appointment, resignation or changes of particulars of directors and company secretary.
- Provide company register address.
- Renew business register.
- Company de-register and liquidation.
- Open bank corporate account.
- Provide certified true copy.
HK trademarks registration
- Register trademarks in HK.
- Follow up on objection cases.
Please contact Mr. Lau
Tel: (852) 5982 0218 (whatsapps, wechat, line)
Fax: (852) 2790 5719
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.edwardlaucpa.com
Cental: 2404, 24/F, World-Wide House, 19 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong
New Territory: Unit G, 5/F, On Shing Ind. Bld, 2-16 Wo Liu Hang Road, Shatin, HK