We are Certified Public Accountants (CPA).We serve SME for many years with our affordable and professional services of bookkeeping, tax advisory and company secretary. All our customers can also enjoy free-of-charge tax planning service.
- 會計入賬 (使用會計軟件入賬,方便匯出各種電子賬目及進行數據分析)
Bookkeeping (with accounting software, can export different types of report and analysis)
- 編制財務報表 (按客戶需要提供月度、季度及年度財務賬目)
Prepare financial statements on monthly/ seasonal/ annual basis
- 整理會計單據
Organize accounting records
- 編制發票
Prepare Invoices
- 轉介核數師 及 處理核數師查問
Introduce reliable auditor and Handle auditor’s requests
報稅服務(Tax Reporting)﹕
- 稅務分析 (深入透析個人及公司稅務狀況,充分利用稅務減免,提供全面可行的稅款節省方案; 稅務分析包括薪俸稅、物業稅、利得稅及印花稅)
Tax planning (Thorough analysis for Individual Tax and Profits Tax planning, optimizing tax deductions and minimizing tax payables)
- 計算應繳稅款 (有限公司計稅)
Tax payable calculation
- 填寫「利得稅報稅表」(有限公司報稅)
Complete Profits Tax Return
- 填寫「個別人士報稅表」(個人/自僱人士/私人公司報稅)
Complete Individual Tax Return
- 填寫「僱主報稅表」[BIR56A, IR56B, IR56M, IR56E, IR56F, IR56G]
Complete Employers’ Return
- 向稅務局申請延遲遞交報稅表,申請暫緩繳交暫繳稅及處理其他稅務事宜
Apply for further extension of time for tax return submission; Apply for provisional tax holdover; All tax related issues
公司秘書服務(Company Secretary)﹕
- 出任公司秘書職位
Act as Company Secretary
- 準備及提交週年申報表
Prepare and filing Annual Return
- 更改公司秘書及董事
Change of Company Secretary and Director
- 更改公司秘書及董事資料
Change in particulars of Company Secretary and Director
- 提供公司註冊地址
Provision of registered office
- 更改公司註冊地址
Change of address of registered office
- 開立公司、註銷公司、股份轉讓及其他秘書相關服務
Registration/Deregistration of Limited Company, Share Transfer and all other secretarial services
- 「會計+報稅」: 每年度低至HK$1,200,視乎文件數量
Bookkeeping + Tax Filing: starting from HK$1,200/year, depends on workload
Company Secretary + Annual Return: HK$1,000/year
Registered office: HK$1,200/year
歡迎查詢及索取報價 (Inquiry and Quotation):