As a professional accounting firm we always provide professional advise with our rich experience and knowledge. Our professional team provide detailed and reliable professional services (such as Taxation, Monthly book keeping, Limited company formation and other business services advise) We are always appraised by our clients with our professional services & reasonable prices. We would closely contact with our clients, offer them professional advice and help them to solve their problems and enhance their competitveness.
作為一間專業的香港會計公司,憑著我們專業的知識及豐富的經驗為客戶提供多元化及詳盡妥善的會計服務 (包括申報稅務報表、按月電腦簿記, 成立有限公司及其他商業咨詢等)我們會繼續與不同的客戶緊密合作,提供專業意見助你掌握商機,踏出成功的一步。
聯絡方法 :
電話 Tel No: 9270-7014 (9:00a.m to 23:00 p.m.) Mr. Lui (雷先生)
電郵 Email : [email protected]