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.Discovery Art Room 尋畫舍. Drawing & painting lesson at Sheung Wan 上環 畫室 油畫班 素描 畫班 DSE visual 成人 人體寫生

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: Discovery Art Room


尋畫舍提供一個鬆弛神經的地方,讓兒童、青少年、成年人通過藝術創作,培養好奇心,暫時放下沉悶的曰常工作,尋回一點生活樂趣,學做誠實、具創意的人。 本工作室設計特別藝術課程,教授技巧、藝術欣賞,同時也可以選擇獨立研習,工作室的藝術家會和你探討創作經驗、評論作品。 尋畫舍不祗傳授繪畫技巧、更希望通過藝術創作、發掘你的冒險精神,自我發現新技巧、培養獨立思考,認識自身價值。

About our Workshop
Discovery Art Room is a relaxing place for children and adults to have fun and discover themselves, learn to be creative and honest through creating art. Everyone needs a break from the hectic stress of school and the office and charge yourself with renewed vision and energy. Here is the right place for you to go away from the real world to find your inner soul through imagination.
We are not like those art schools who teach you only technical skills as an end itself. We will guide you through your creative journey to find answers by yourself through taking artistic risks and exciting experiments.


Drawing Course for 12yr & above adults


Drawing & Painting Course for 12yr & above adults



Comprehensive Course for Children


Cousre for Advance students / Life drawing class


課程內容 Course information -

每堂一小時十五分鐘(4-12歲) 至 兩小時(12歲以上/成人) HK$900 /4堂


預約查詢:  (852) 6104 4104 蔡小姐 / 5138 9100 張先生

畫室地址:香港上環文咸西街35 - 41號僑港大廈2字樓B室

Address : Flat B, 2/F, Kiu Kwong Mansion, 35-41 Bonham Strand West Sheung Wan, Hong Kong


聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性