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  3. 時裝配飾- 女士服飾

Lamina - 『全素』女裝品牌

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: lamina

About Us

Lamina, actually comes from the word ‘animal’ spelling backwards, which also gives you a clue that all of our products are animal-friendly. As we firmly believe that animals are our companions instead of raw materials to be used in fashion items, our collection of products, ranging from clothing to accessories, are all 100% vegan and no wool, leather, silk and/or fur is used.

Lamina creates a high quality of fashion with a unique, nomadic and minimalistic style. Our products make you feel a sense of lightness, giving you warmth and protecting you from coldness. Lamina is innovative and timeless because we create a trend that follows no trends.

將Animal一字反轉,正正是我們的品牌名稱Lamina,帶出我們的主要理念 — 尊重動物生命。因為我們相信,動物是我們的朋友,而不應成為製造時裝的物料。是以我們堅持不採用直接或間接含有動物成份的物料,以減少對動物造成的傷害。因此,我們的服飾,都不會含有例如羊毛、皮革、絲、羽絨及皮草等。

首個夏季系列以黑、白與及earth tone自然色彩為主調,靈感啟發自城市生活與回歸大自然之間的矛盾碰撞,從而帶出由強烈對比形成的張力。然而,系例中簡約、舒適而注重層次感的設計,易於配搭多類服飾,建構不公式化的個人風格。

Our Mission

Our company philosophy is that we believe animals are our friends. Animals are born to be loved not doomed to be our clothes. Our aim is to spread the message of respecting animals in every aspect.

Our company philosophy is that we believe animals are our friends. Animals are born to be loved not doomed to be our clothes. Our aim is to spread the message of respecting animals in every aspect.

Having the faith in bringing a better future to animals, our company see donation not as scarification but as contribution. This is our social responsibility. Part of our profit will be donated to NGOs, including Hong Kong Dog Rescue and Hong Kong Cat Society for assisting the animal welfare and helping the homeless creatures. Starting from donating to NGOs in Hong Kong and giving more donations to other countries in future, we take this as our company’s accountability and we hopefully spread our messages worldwide.

Lamina is a PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) approved vegan clothing brand, all of our items are 100% vegan.


我們首先與香港的Hong Kong Dog Rescue及香港群貓會合作,將Lamina所售出服裝的部分收入捐贈到這兩間慈善機構,顧客除了購買到對動物無害的衣服外,亦無疑直接成為動物的助養者。然而,再將視野放遠一點,希望不久將來可以把往後善款送到世界各地其他的善侍動物組織,幫助更多有需要的動物,亦將我們的訊息一直傳送開去,讓更多更多的人關心動物的生存權利。

而Lamina亦已得到國際關注護動物組織PETA (a.k.a: 善待動物組織) 正式認可,當中所有服裝物料,均沒有採用任何動物成份。

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