We are the manufacturer for cabinet hinge and drawer slide since 1986, have good experience in furniture hardware industry. The quality is alway our most important concerns.
家居 / 五金及工具Riming hardware

We are the professional Oem manufacturer in China for cabinet hinge and drawer slide since 1986. The good quality of product is our most important concerns. Choose us to get more business cooperation!
家居 / 五金及工具Riming hardware

Professional OEM manufacturer in China since 1986, major product is cabinet hinge and drawer slide. Quality is our most important concerns, with competitive price, Riming will be your best choice.
家居 / 五金及工具Riming hardware

We are the hinge and slide manufacture since 1986, loacted in China, Guangdong, Jieyang city. Have good experience of OEM service, welcome to contact us for more cooperation.
家居 / 五金及工具Riming hardware

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