李文聰Lee Ocarina— 香港著名陶笛演奏家,世界最大陶笛生產商【風雅陶笛】之香港區代言人,昰【風雅陶笛】於香港區的唯一認證導師,是香港史上首位複管陶笛演奏家,也是資深長笛、古典結他導師及專業的香港樂手。

六大業務範疇:牌照申請/轉讓,室内設計, 工程承辦,廚具訂造,傢俬訂造,代辦證書,由1998年成立至今成功為客戶辦理超過5000多宗的工程項目,幫助顧客選址分析、申領牌照、室內設計、工程裝修、監督進度以至到定期檢查維修,都有完善的配套服務。以多元化的有效專業服務,集豐富的知識和經驗,我們必定能滿足客戶的要求。
商業 / 裝修工程東南工程牌照顧問

Native French full-time tutor in Hong Kong, mid 30s, extensive experience in one-on-one and private class, French exams. 500-700HK$ per hour

Native French full-time tutor in Hong Kong, mid 30s, extensive experience in one-on-one and private class, French exams. 500-700HK$ per hour

兒童興趣班 / 藝術 / 繪畫 / 手作
K親子 / 兒童興趣班 - 藝術Kids Club。Hong Kong

商業 / 清潔及滅蟲華置環球服務有限公司

j買賣及批發 / 美容jeunessglobal

We aim at bringing quality Family Medicine and Network Medical Services, providing greater value in healthcare and health protection services to meet the demand of the general public in Hong Kong.
長者 / 健康檢查明康醫療香港有限公司

Techno Harley-Davidson of Hong Kong was established in 1995. During these 16 years we have changed in many ways, keeping up with your needs and trying our very best to serve you.
T汽車及電單車 / 汽車影音Techno Harley-Davidson

New friendship or a serious relationship - 34 (Hong Kong)

We are a Hong Kong real estate agency that specializes in Residential and Commercial properties, let us guide you through the whole renting and buying process

European Motors Ltd have been buying and selling quality used cars in Hong Kong since 1975 and have thousands of satisfied clients - we hope you will become one of them!

面部彩繪生日會 [彩繪派對、party姐姐面部彩繪帶生日會] Kids Birthday Party & Face Painting HK (Temporary Body Paint + face drawing Hong Kong)

Hong Kong Society of Herpetology Foundation 香港兩棲及爬行動物保育基金 - 慈善機構 91/9058 Hong Kong Society of Herpetology 香港兩棲及爬蟲協會 - 協會證書號碼: CP/LIC/SO/19/32708 Web Site 網站: http://www.hkherp.org P.O.Box No.1098, Sh
寵物 / 會社、組織及團體香港兩棲及爬行動物保育基金 香港兩棲及爬蟲協會 Hong Kong Society of Herpetology Foundation

Flow Wong - Freelance designer, graded in Hong Kong Design Institute. Good at CAD drawing and teaching
F設計 / 珠寶設計Flow Wong

Contemporary Hong Kong Wedding Photography
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