Hypnotherapy can help effectively Provided you see a well-qualified and expenrienced hypnotherapist
H健康及醫療 / 康復Hypnosis HK

Recovery Works is a Hong Kong based programme for individuals and families suffering from the effects of addiction to alcohol or other drugs such as heroin, cocaine or ecstasy. A multi-disciplinary t
1健康及醫療 / 康復1212 Limited

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards” Soren Kierkegaard The guiding force of my professional life is to find ever more effective ways for my clients to ov
M健康及醫療 / 康復Mind Matters

「歡樂性教育」單元講座:「歡愉進一步──伴侶親密關係改善」(5月2日) 情性診療室 x dirty press 「歡樂性教育」單元講座:5月2日(星期日) 歡愉進一步──伴侶親密關係改善 安全套公司近年發佈的全球性調查顯示,香港只有29%受訪者表示在房事得到性滿足,比率遠低於全球其他地域,最佳情人名次亦落後於亞洲地區。執業性治療師李偉儀所接觸到的案例,同樣反映伴侶性生活欠佳或欠奉者情況嚴重。是次
個人及社區 / 節目及活動情性診療室

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