Dr. Angela Yung She obtained her first Degree in Marine Biology from the Boston University, USA and went on to complete a second Degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery from the University of Glasg
寵物 / 獸醫天后寵物醫院

代領狗牌、獸醫健康檢查服務 http://www.cskpets.com/about.html 查詢熱線:2662 1710 代領狗牌服務收費如下: 小型犬 HK$150 中型犬 HK$180 大型犬 HK$220 超大型犬 HK$280 **犬隻須年滿六個月以上,收費包括植入晶片和防狂犬症注射。而車費則另計。 犬貓獸醫健康檢查服務收費如下: 小型犬 HK$50 (另加獸醫費用) 中型犬 HK$
寵物 / 獸醫田園犬舍

Vaccination There is a great deal of controversy about vaccination at the moment and we are frequently reviewing the situation so we can make the most up to date recommendations. DOGS - Dogs should r
t寵物 / 獸醫taiwaiexotic

Petsit Singapore Services offered by Petsit Singapore • Daily Pet sitting visits to your home to check on your pets while you’re on holiday or out of town on business trips • Taking y
P寵物 / 獸醫PETSIT

大圍珍禽異獸及寵物醫院 地址: 75 Chik Shun Street, Tai Wai, Shatin, N.T. 電話: 26871077 診症時間: 星期一至日 9:00am-1:00pm 2:00pm-8:30pm
t寵物 / 獸醫taiwaiexotic

Wellness checks Wellness checks are our way of encouraging you as an owner to look at preventative medicine in a new way and not just rely on vaccination. Cats are notorious for masking their illness
9寵物 / 獸醫9 Lives Cat Hospital

Ticks & Fleas Control of these skin parasites is extremely important as they can cause skin irritation or allergy, and ticks can carry serious diseases. Fleas are very difficult to control as the
t寵物 / 獸醫taiwaiexotic

Desexing your dog Desexing or “spaying” of female dogs is an important routine surgery. We strongly recommend that all female dogs should be desexed, unless in exceptional circumstances.T
t寵物 / 獸醫taiwaiexotic

We provide all kinds of surgeries, vaccinations, body checks, hospitalization, well-equipped operating rooms, pet food & products. There are parking spaces around the hospital for patients with c
A寵物 / 獸醫Australia Veterinary Hospital

24-hour Emergency Service Knowing who to contact in an emergency can save an animal's life. For 24-hours inspectorate or out of hours veterinary emergency services please call our hotline: 27111000.
S寵物 / 獸醫Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Tabby姐姐 擁有豐富的獸醫護士工作經驗,擔任寵物保姆達3年以上,幫助照顧無數的寵物家庭,**為更保障客戶,本公司已領取商業登記 及 中國銀行之公司戶口**。Tabby已修讀完成 寵物急救疾病護理證書 及 狗隻行為訓練證書,客戶的評價高

We provide full medical and surgical facilities for all your pets needs, large and small. .
L寵物 / 獸醫Lion Rock Veterinary Hospital

麗寶大廈中層罕有1房筍盤平售,只售395萬;全屋附雅致裝修,新淨企理,望開揚翠綠園景;間隔四正;並附有24小時完善保安管理及電梯。另大廈正進行大翻新,外型及設備新淨。 此外,交通極方便,步行約8分鍾即到V City及屯門西鐵總站(約35分鐘車程直達尖沙咀),5分鐘至輕鐵站,另徒步約3分鍾即到屯門市廣場;樓下更有多條巴士線及通宵小巴線直達港九新界,另有巴士專線約15分鍾即到深圳灣;且旺中帶靜,附近食

城市獸醫動物及珍禽異獸醫院(荃灣) 城市獸醫動物及珍禽異獸醫院(荃灣)成立於2003年1月, 由Dr.JulianCarson Ikin及Dr. Michael Hilditch兩位醫生主理,他們均擁有超過20年經驗,提供全面的獸醫服務,包括: 各類寵物及珍禽異獸診症 全科體格檢查 防疫注射及杜蟲 寵物食糧配方糧及健康護理用品 化驗服務 心電圖、高頻X光及超聲波設備 隔離病房及留院服務 為貓、狗
寵物 / 獸醫城市獸醫動物及珍禽異獸醫院

城市獸醫動物及珍禽異獸醫院 ( 荃灣 ) 成立於 2003 年 1 月,由 Dr. Julian Carson Ikin 及 Dr. Michael Hilditch 兩位醫生主理,他們均擁有超過 15 年經驗,提供全面的獸醫服務,包括: * 各類寵物及珍禽異獸診症 * 全科體格檢查 * 防疫注射及杜蟲 * 寵物食糧配方糧及健康護理用品 * 化驗服務 * 心電圖、高頻 X 光及超聲波設備 * 隔
k寵物 / 獸醫kennychow

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