導師乃專業港日演員,曾留學日本及於日本表演界工作多年,精通日語及日本文化,深明香港學生需要,透過特設的戲劇學日語課程,令學員能在輕鬆好玩的課程下學習外,亦能有效令學員於場景練習中記憶語言,即時活學活用 !
d教學進修 / 語言課程drama Japanese class

商業 / 創業加盟香港隱形眼鏡網

教授Excel進階技能 及 函數應用/ Excel VBA程式編寫服務,簡單易用/ Tailor-made lesson, straight to the point, level up in short period of time/ Strong VBA application development experience in various industries.

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家居 / 外傭及家務助理活聯顧問

A商業 / 創業加盟Anllysia愛力思科學

想學習,認識,開始網上行銷 ? 來我的blog www.networkkaka.com 一齊研究下。謝絕直銷。
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2016年經濟低迷,需要加強宣傳、拓展生意。傳統的設計品宣傳途徑,依然效力強大,關鍵是設計的質素。 我們擁有各類書本、小冊子、傳單、卡片、信封、信紙、商標等設計經驗,歡迎報價垂詢,為公司生意打響頭炮! Stonesoup Communication Tel : 3110-8398 Email : [email protected] Facebook
設計 / 平面設計Stonesoup Communication

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攝影及影音 / 攝影Stonesoup Communication

一年之計在於春!係時候為公司製訂2016宣傳計劃。踏入2016年,我哋為你準備一份禮物,凡於1月底前,成功登記Facebook推廣服務,即贈送Instagram推廣計劃! Facebook推廣計劃 $5,000/月 X 12個月 專頁Wallpaper(每月1張) 專頁宣傳海報(每月1張) 專頁帖文製作(每月15條) 宣傳短片(每月1條) 專人監察專頁表現 洞察分析報告(每月1
商業 / 市場策劃Stonesoup Communication

Airport Representatives will be on duty at arrival hall anytime during operation hours of the Airport, to Meet-and Greet guest and to assist and escort them to the limousine lounge.
H汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Hi Lee (H.K.) Transportation Co., Ltd.

職位名稱:網上兼職 職位要求:會電腦打字,懂WORD軟體,上網比較熟練。地區、年齡不限。 職位性質:公司將小說手稿掃描後,EMAIL至員工郵箱或專人送達,員工完成WORD輸入後發至公司 郵箱即可,適合在校學生。 工作地點:家裡、網吧均可工作。(能上網即可) 職位待遇:130元/萬字,工資每日結算。 職位介紹:主要工作是負責打字、資料入錄,發佈資訊等,工作簡單,但要求細心,有責任心,為人誠實。 申請

Service Apartments, Service Suites, Furnished Apartments and Hotel Apartments
P物業地產 / 服務式住宅Presidential Apartments

產品目錄: 辦公軟件, NextOffice 2010 專業版, NextOffice 2010 USB 版, Mastering NextOffice, NextPDF + FormFiller等.
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫威寶拓展國際

Kibby Lau Barbilia L. Natalie S. Fiona Fung Mandaline C. Holly H. Wai Lui Jai Day Gesche H. Andrea N. Crewsmodel is a full-service modeling and casting agency with a network of qualified and talented
C美容 / 形象顧問Crewsmodel

About WWF Hong Kong - Overview WWF Hong Kong is one of Hong Kong's leading environmental charitable organisations. We have been working since 1981 to ensure a better environment for the present and f
寵物 / 會社、組織及團體元洲仔自然環境保護研究中心


This was not only for the huge saving in weight and greater strength, but also a perfect solution to the age old problems that occurred with the use of wood.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠 財利船廠有限公司

This was not only for the huge saving in weight and greater strength, but also a perfect solution to the age old problems that occurred with the use of wood.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠 財利船廠有限公司

Airport Representatives will be on duty at arrival hall anytime during operation hours of the Airport, to Meet-and Greet guest and to assist and escort them to the limousine lounge. Airport check-in
H汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Hi Lee (H.K.) Transportation Co., Ltd.

We offer a relaxing environment with no unnecessary stressors such as barking dogs or unsympathetic handling. We pride ourselves on offering a highly individualized service.
9寵物 / 獸醫9 Lives Cat Hospital
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