女性癌症篩檢計劃 - 體格檢查 Physical Check up 包括 : 查詢個人及家族病歷、計算體重、量度身高及血壓 - 全血計 CBC - 紅血球沉降率 ESR - 甲種胚胎蛋白(肝) AFP (GI tract, Liver) - 癌胚抗原 (結腸) CEA (colorectal) - 鼻咽癌病毒抗體 EBV serology (NPC) - 癌抗原125 (卵巢) CA 125 (
S健康及醫療 / 身體檢查Silver Cross Medical Group

Locheer Group was an independent direct investment group established in Hong Kong since 1994. Locheer's key geographical focus is Hong Kong, Asia and China. We believe the Asia-Pacific is the most dy
L健康及醫療 / 身體檢查Locheer Healthcare centre
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