國際專業美容化粧師職業文憑課程 每星期 3 節 總共 500 小時 每節 4 小時 學費 HK$ 42000 開課日期: 26 Mar 2007 種類: 01(入行首選) 綜合美容及化粧髪型文憑 主題: Spa運作及纖體療法 人體結構及理論 不同性質皮膚之處理 巴拿芬臘(面、手、腳)護理 毛髮漂染技巧 水晶殖甲技巧及纖維甲繪劃 皮膚分析及結構 各式面膜應用 自然紋繡眉毛技巧 色彩學與化粧品學 身
I美容 / 教學進修Irene Beauty Professional Training Institute

~~~~~髪電站.髪型屋~~~~~ 旺角西洋菜南街2a .銀城廣場1樓35舖 亞so 9338 9940 一個專業個人服務, 給你一個絕對私人空間! 無須等候,不會浪費你一分鐘時間!!!! 即時變靚d $388.包括以下項: 專業髪型設計+動感日式電髪+魅力亮麗染髪 專業髪型設計$168.(一剪即靚價) 動感日式電髪$350up 魅力亮麗染髪$280up A : model 造型前後大變身 ,$
美容 / 教學進修星級形象髪型造型設計

IM IMAGE make-up & image building service www.imimage.net 曾任本港大型化妝學府資深化妝導師及化妝部門管理,擁有豐富化妝經驗及多元化造型設計,包括個人化妝形象設計、新娘造型及廣告、影視、舞台化妝及造型(包括國泰航空公司、TVB、海洋公園及迪士尼樂園等)。亦經常為雜誌、刊物、電視、電台及網上媒體之訪問對象。 晚間宴會化妝及造型 妝及造
I美容 / 形象顧問IM IMAGE

屯門柏麗三個月任做面部護理$1988 可以選擇以下面部護理: 水溶性骨膠原護理 75MINS(彈性改善,保濕減少枯其現象) 洋甘菊水份修護療程 75MINS(抗敏感,收毛孔) 玫瑰透明質酸子美白療程 75MINS(抗氧去黃,滋潤,保濕) 有機死海泥美白杏仁護理75MINS(減淡雀斑,防止膚色變深) 有機死海泥礦物淨化護理75MINS(去除印,解決粗糙皮膚問題) 魚子膠原胺基酸護理 75MINS(

The Alfa Romeo Centro Stile (Design Centre), the heart and historic core of the brand, was located in the Portello area of Milan from the early post-war years until July 1989, before being moved to i

Dogs with spinal disc disease causing pain or paralysis should be immediately assessed using myelography and can have spinal surgery to ensure their prompt recovery,Pets are usually in hospital for u
寵物 / 獸醫太平道寵物診所

PERFECT STAGE 專業化妝學校( PERFECT STAGE Professional Make-Up Academy ) 多年來所培訓而成功晉身化妝造型師行列的學員多不勝數。而本校最著重導師質素及教學方式,本校深信,完善而專業的教學制度及標準,才能有最專業的學習環境,有助學員學習到專業的化妝技術。而有質素的導師,最基本除了有專業的化妝技術及經驗之外,更重要是擁有專業的教授方法。專業的
P美容 / 教學進修Perfect Stage Professional Make-Up Academy

Memoria Amoris的婚禮統籌師全部擁有國際"認可婚禮統籌師專業文憑" 一站式外借婚紗、化妝及攝影套餐 原價: $26,800 優惠價: $20,800 凡於 2009 年 12 月前落訂,新人將可獲贈全新特選華麗婚紗一套 服務包括: - 外借自選婚紗 / 晚裝 / 禮服 : 5 件 * 華麗婚紗 ( 連頭紗、手套 ) * 高貴晚裝 * 男仕禮服 ( 連背心、 Bow
M結婚 / 證婚Memoria Amoris

Ticks & Fleas Control of these skin parasites is extremely important as they can cause skin irritation or allergy, and ticks can carry serious diseases. Fleas are very difficult to control as the
t寵物 / 獸醫taiwaiexotic

Kibby Lau Barbilia L. Natalie S. Fiona Fung Mandaline C. Holly H. Wai Lui Jai Day Gesche H. Andrea N. Crewsmodel is a full-service modeling and casting agency with a network of qualified and talented
C美容 / 形象顧問Crewsmodel

玫瑰花球套餐 $1288 新娘花球 1 個 新娘頭花 新郎襟花早晚各 1 個 兄弟姊妹襟花及手花 12 個 主婚人襟花 4 個 ( 拖尾加 $100 ) Upgrade 花球另加 $500 花種可選擇 : 玫瑰花 / 太陽花 / 百合 / 綉球 / 牡丹 / 桔梗 / 蕙蘭 / 馬尾蘭 / 鬱金香 / 美國玫瑰 / 蝴蝶蘭 ( 花種是乎季節性 )
L鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Lasting Love make up

Heartworm Heartworm is a parasitic disease that affects dogs. The adult worm lives in the heart and the arteries to the lung. The worms are several inches long and cause much inflammation and irritat
t寵物 / 獸醫taiwaiexotic

Vaccination There is a great deal of controversy about vaccination at the moment and we are frequently reviewing the situation so we can make the most up to date recommendations. DOGS - Dogs should r
t寵物 / 獸醫taiwaiexotic

Alibre Design 11.0: Now Available! Alibre proudly offers the latest installment of its ground-breaking 3D CAD, Alibre Design version 11, which is now available to the public. Our latest performance e
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫普意科技有限公司

PRODUCTS - last will & testament Have you made a will? For those of you who have taken the time and trouble to make a Will, the question ‘have you made your Will yet?’ brings on an en
S商業 / 法律事務SAR International Limited. Professional Willwriters

TheFirm Academy was set up to provide an international grade of training programmes for our own staff. We have further developed these programmes to include community eductation groups and are please
T美容 / 教學進修The Firm

How to Achieve 300% Adsense Revenue in 90 Days SEMINAR * Would you like to earn a second income ? * Are you tired of your job and would like to take control of your finances ? * Would you like to giv
W手機電腦互聯網 / 節目及活動World Champ International Employment Agency

[NEW FACE UP] BLACK & WHITE ☆ Monnie + Sin [06JAN2007] 活動 主題 : BLACK & WHITE 活動 日期 : 06 JAN 2007 (星期六) 活動 時間 : 02:00 pm - 04:45 pm 活動地點 : 尖沙咀 Highview Caf é Price : 1 session $150 〔包飲品〕 Style

Wolfman Jack Entertainment Wolfman Jack Entertainment Ltd., a company located in the U.S., has achieved and established its name and successful reputation, for promoting concerts and booking artists.
W旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村Wolfman Jack Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd

10.01告別馬灣漁村外影活動 日期 : 01.Oct.2006(Sun) 時間 : 13:00-17:00 地點 : 馬灣漁村 ( 由於馬灣漁村現正清拆中,如果到時覺得地點不適合進行攝影活動,本會將會更改活動地點) Model : aLiCe**小煩 , Annie , Cc , Chrissie Make-Up : Erica 名額 : 32人 費用 : HK$220 報名及查詢請到 htt
B攝影及影音 / 節目及活動Beauty Model Association
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