繼暉油漆裝修工程公司承辦各種裝修設計及大小維修工程, 忠誠服務香港人
商業 / 裝修工程繼暉油漆裝修工程公司


For over 22 years, Kids' Gallery has been the pioneer for youth arts education in Hong Kong with its centres offering the best creative arts programmes across Asia. Our centres are located in Kowloon

遊船河服務 一應俱全 海上活動 包羅萬有 香蕉船 滑水 飛碟 滑梯 彈床 海上陀螺 應有盡有 想遊船河 搵Siu Ming Boat拉 想釣墨魚 搵Siu Ming Boat拉 想快D出發就快D打 98019858 搵Siu Ming Boat WHATSAPP都得架

卓智服務式辦公室位處灣仔核心商業區,毗鄰港鐵站、酒店及中西食肆。步行至會議展覽中心、稅局及入境處只需五分鐘。到中環及機場鐵路站只需六分鐘車程。為靈活配合你的需求,卓智提供彈性租期,即租即用。 不同面積辦公室均包括高質辦公桌及文件櫃,無限寬頻上網,會議室服務,秘書及接待服務,直線電話及傳真等服務式高效益辦公室方案,大大減輕固定營運開支及成本,讓你專注業務

http://hkcoldroom.com/ 冷庫、紅酒倉、鮮風抽氣、冷氣空調系統
B設計 / 產品設計Branding Works Air

只限正經用途 ✔屯門新墟,鄰近輕鐵站 ✔新裝修、佈置優雅、環境乾淨 ✔設獨立冷氣空調、洗手盤、沙發等候區 ✔獨立房間,隱私度高 ✔設有儲物櫃,方便客人擺放私人物品 ✔設有洗手間 時租 $70-80(星期一至六) 歡迎時租/日租 (另議) 歡迎已有客底美容師,按摩師分租 有意請聯絡 6280 7338 羅小姐

Available space to use: Approx. 8 feet x 8 feet floor space Including one large office desk & chair Including Electricity, Air-Conditioner, Wi-Fi, wooden box shelves (as shown on the photo)

冷氣機安裝清洗維修 (Air conditioner cleaning and maintenance)

夏天甘熱想冷氣吹出來d風又凍又乾爽,就要搵我哋幫手啦,約朋友洗冷氣仲有優惠添,快d揾我哋啦!!! 價格透明,服務優越,清洗冷氣,去污除垢,深度清潔!!! 窗口機 Window type air con 3/4-1匹------500 1.5匹---------600 2匹-----------700 2.5匹以上---800 分體機 Split air con 3/4-1.5匹----600
家居 / 清潔及滅蟲藍海洋冷氣清洗專門店

BonTakeng is the strongest 24-hour air conditioning and electricity maintenance company in Hong Kong. If you have any problem of air conditioner or electricity, please feel free to contact us.

Are you looking for Air conditioner cleaning services? Then you are in the right place. AC cleaning provides you with a complete range of domestic and commercial air conditioner cleaning services.

Room with bed, mattress, wooden wardrobe, desk, chair, air conditioner Whole house furniture, refrigerator, washing machine are all available, bags can be accommodated Free WIFI
f物業地產 / 住宅出租fungkarming111

Room with bed, mattress, wooden wardrobe, desk, chair, air conditioner Whole house furniture, refrigerator, washing machine are all available, bags can be accommodated Free WIFI
f物業地產 / 住宅出租fungkarming111

36 Months Installment Plan Available* (T C Apply) *FREE Delivery New Air-Con Unit *FREE Full Set New Installation (GRADE A Material - ARMAFLEX Insulation) *FREE New Air-Con Piping Warranty *FREE Wo
p家居 / 家居優惠py512828

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