
單對單英文書寫 / 移民英文 / 撰寫英文信件 / IELTS 雅思英文試技巧 /專上論文修改 / 新高中文憑試 DSE - 會話及書寫 Speaking and Written Skills
p教學進修 / 語言課程pinkylankson2020

British English Tutor for oral english, written english and interview skills 英國西人外語導師補習小學, 中學, 大學, 在職(口語及一般文法寫作, 面試技巧)
W教學進修 / 補習William

It's the world's first BTC banknote. It's a cold wallet that has the particularity of being able to be exchanged for a good as many times as necessary as long as its die isn't altered, as it were cash
i商業 / 印刷icynoteteam

I've been educated in both English and French for about 20 years in Canada. FREE assessment! Come learn how to read and write English with Miss Ada! :)

專補IB/DSE/AP/IGCSE/ Music | 拔萃男書院IB音樂科全校第一 | IB Music HL 7/7 | Creating/Composition 29/30 | IB Extended Essay 滿分 | 直至現在,我嘅所有IB學生都都攞到7 | 教你作曲技巧輕鬆攞7 | 可上門補習或Skype lesson | 查詢: WhatsApp 5681 4293

Learn English with Miss Issy! 跟Miss Issy學英文,英文變easy!
m教學進修 / 語言課程mississyenglish

1. 專為求職者度身訂造履歷 2. 讓你的履歷提升至另一水平 3. 使你更容易獲得面試機會
c商業 / 撰稿cvkinghk

Description JobsRnR(jobsrnr.com)was founded on the simple belief that peer-to-peer referrals represent the strongest form of endorsement. Our goal is to connect employers with qualified and talented
商業 / 顧問Kobe Yung

工作內容 : 負責全盤會計帳目 要求學歷 : 中五程度; 2年經驗; 良好粵語; 良好普通話; 良好英語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; 持有LCC高級証書 五日工,$18-20k 深水埗返工 13個月糧

E商業 / 撰稿EA 智博

現有2隻B, CFA 註冊,貓咪父母由德國進口, 擁有優良血統,並且有30天的健康保證 我們提供成長環境一流有CFA證書的異短 包註冊獸醫一針連針卡,大量相片/VIDEO可供分享 有興趣請 WHATSAPP: 63898222 JAMIE CFA Certified Kittens, 1 Exotic Longhair Calico and 1 Exotic Longhair Red White
J寵物 / 寵物轉讓Jalexia Cattery - CFA

Newly established Education Group located in Cyberport Area requires a self-motivated administrator.

本人具補習社及託管中心功輔經驗 十年以上 兼 大學畢業多年 具備單對單個人補習心得 尤其英文中學高中全文科 精補 F. 4 F.5 及個人英專 本人亦有替大學 大一 大二生 補習英文科 及 論文課程 此外 也精補 小五 小六 升中入分試 經驗信心之選 進步保証 區域 : 天水圍區 歡迎致電6181 7467 或 whatsapp 查詢

Non Frame is a studio offering professional works for photography and photo retouching. We have worked for multi-national companies who require high standards but without the high price tag.

J寵物 / 寵物轉讓Jalexia Cattery - CFA

Our company is looking for suitable candidates for carrying out duties in Educational Workshops in Asia World Expo, from 15th July 2016 to 7th August 2016 (A continuous period of 24 calendar days)*

Did you know over 60% of all English words came from Latin or Greek? People who have knowledge of either (or both) of these languages generally have better command of English, because they have develo
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