
Native Chinese Mandarin teacher with many years teaching experience,fluent English and Cantoness

Located in the heart of the city center, convenient access to both Hollywood Road and Queen s Road. Cafes, Restaurants, Cat Street, PMQ, IFC, Lan Kwai Fong and Soho are steps away. 3 min to Sheung Wan

全港最平酒店式套房,房租已包管理費、水電費及Wifi。設有不同套房,價錢由$3800/月起,房間包基本家私 可以隨時起租,長短租都歡迎。有興趣歡迎聯絡:27709323 黃小姐 約睇房。 位於佐敦地鐵站旁,交通方便! 位於彌敦道口,搭巴士都非常方便,附近有多個巴士站,去灣仔中環只需十分鐘。 附近有多間餐廳及超市包括麥當勞、大家樂、KFC,樓下就係惠康百佳,民生所需店舖齊全

I'm a native Japanese tutor in Yuen Long! I'll practice Japanese speaking and listening skills with you! I have taught Japanese for several years in HK!
J教學進修 / 語言課程Japanese tutor

(全職)國語女配音員 Job duties: (Mandarin) 1. Perform VO recording for game. 2. Native Putonghua speaker with Modern Standard Mandarin Chinese (MSMC) accent.

加拿大音樂系, 修讀期間考獲獎學金, 並以優等成績畢業(Graduated with distinction: 3.9 CGPA) 在學期間除必要和聲學, 對位法外, 更涉獵不同音樂相關知識 (古典音樂歷史, Jazz 音樂歷史, 電子音訊處理, 腦神經與音樂等) 會以不同角度分析和教導音樂 及樂理. 8年教學經驗, 學生五級學理合格率達98% 網上教學

德國力圖 NITO, MDF 廁所板, 馬桶蓋, 浴室用品, 廁板, Toilet Seat Cover
W買賣及批發 / 家居Wui Ching Trading (Hong Kong) Limited

DNB has access to Hoover's database, which can help you with refined marketing solutions for your business.
j商業 / 顧問jansj2315

New SOLO shop leasing available at Stanley Hong Kong. Low leasing price and very affordable. Small business you can begin with.

A教學進修 / 兒童興趣班Annie Training Centre Limited

助行架狀況良好,但有筆劃痕跡;鋁輪椅輕身,狀況良好,腳掌板可扭開拆開,附送雨披;港鐵交收。請出價 Feet pads of aluminum wheelchair can swing and split, with a raincoat; trade in MTR. Please offer price.
b長者 / 醫療設備及用品brighteducation2008

需自取,可議價;沐浴輪椅車腳踏可拆開 (可連同電動護理床及減壓床褥出售) Need to collect by yourself, please offer price. The foot pads are removable. Can sell with the Tiltable Care Bed and Pressure relief mattress together.
b長者 / 醫療設備及用品brighteducation2008

需自取,請出價。(另有沫浴輪椅車, 可連售) Need to collect by yourself. Please offer price. (Can sell with bath wheelchair together.)
b長者 / 醫療設備及用品brighteducation2008

I've been educated in both English and French for about 20 years in Canada. FREE assessment! Come learn how to read and write English with Miss Ada! :)

5 months old Maine Coon Born: 31/10/2020 Microchipped 微切 2 vaccine left 剩餘2種疫苗 Comes with all cat toys, litter box, some food, cat tree 隨附所有貓咪玩具,貓砂盆,一些食物和貓咪樹。

+ Room with three working stations is HK$8,000 per month all included. Room with two working stations is HK$6,500 per month all included. + Long or short term lease is welcome

All our products are brand new, genuine and come with warranty from manufacturers. Contact me with your whatsapp number Now If Interested. WHATSAPP :+5511981977479
c買賣及批發 / 電子產品christianoanabel

“Something with love,all with us!” 提供化妝服務包括 新娘姊妹親友/宴會司儀/謝師宴annualdinner/婚紗拍攝外影prewedding/花球定制書法刻制 👇🏻查看更多作品😄 Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/katywong.makeup Whatsapp 66335493
K美容 / 化妝KatywongMakeup

地下700呎及300+呎花園,3房,1廁 (新浴室地櫃及洗手盤),開放式廚房(新廚櫃),雅裝,1分鐘到村口小巴總站,村內有餐廳及士多,充足私家車泊位,空氣清新,村內居民友善, 良好治安。700 sq ft and 300+ sq ft garden, 3 bedrooms, 1 toilet (new bathroom cabinet an

“Adler Superior” is a Professional recruitment agency with a great mission and big difference. We are a leading and experienced employment agency that works with a broad range of industries.
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