洗車, 汽車美容, 打蠟, 鍍膜, 貼膜, 換油, 汽車維修, 噴油, Car wash, Coating, Car beauty services, flash shield, water wax film system, coating protection, waxing, aircraft coating

Freelance中英文翻譯及校對服務( Freelance Chinese & English Translation & Proofreading Services)
F商業 / 翻譯Freddie Chan

Class IV high power laser light show special effects graphics and live laser animation. Professional high power laser rentals provided to film shoots, concert tours, trade shows, corporate events
表演藝術 / 設備出租Custom International Laser Light Show Rental

新娘化妝 | 姊妹化妝 | Annual Dinner化妝 | 晚宴化妝 Grad Din 謝師宴化妝SET頭 |
k結婚 / 化妝及髮型karina.a1225

Bigzip Design Limited於2005年成立,具20年以上設計經驗,客戶包括:British Council、香港紅十字會、香港貿發局、香港社會服務聯會、各大專院校及政府部門等。我們在平面設計、書籍排版及印刷、企業形象設計、展覽設計等方面擁有豐富的工作經驗。歡迎隨時與我們聯絡,電話: 3142 7118, 9606 4868, 電郵: [email protected]
設計 / 平面設計Bigzip Design Limited

HK Wedding Band / Live Band: Professional Event Music Planner, Musicians, Singers (Filipino & Local), Backup Vocalists & Audio Engineers; Plays Jazz, Blues, Pop, Samba, R&B, Dance and Classical music.
結婚 / 婚禮演奏Deans Live Music

JS Design Workshop Graphic Design I Illustrator At JS Design Workshop, We offer a fully personalized, professional design and maintenance services. We provide a comprehensive range of branding and mar
設計 / 平面設計JS Design Workshop

HK Wedding Band / Live Band: Professional Event Music Planner, Musicians, Singers (Filipino & Local), Backup Vocalists & Audio Engineers; Plays Jazz, Blues, Pop, Samba, R&B, Dance and Classical music.
結婚 / 婚禮演奏Deans Live Music

經驗會計,薄記每月$400起, 每年$1200起, 上門$1000起, 誠信可靠。新公司進行首次會計費用優惠,歡迎查詢。Reliable Book-keeping at reasonable fee from $400/month, $1200/year, on-site $1000. Welcome inquiry Tel: 91321945
G商業 / 會計及稅務Gold Treasury Accounting and Finance Centre

新娘化妝團隊,化出你專屬的美麗,專業新娘化妝造型,Pre-Wedding 造型化妝,姊妹及宴會造型化妝。
結婚 / 化妝及髮型Memakeup 新娘化妝

Blue Pen - a full range of language and publishing services, including editing, copywriting, translating, designing and printing.
商業 / 撰稿Blue Pen Limited

【藝術相片攝影錄影、MV、微電影、廣告】 廣告照片、企業形象策劃、劇照、CD cover、Poster、Fashion Shoot、Event、Products、Per-Wedding、私影、Video、微電影、TVC 廣告、MV、電影 一站式包括: 故事戲情、3D動畫、演員、排舞、舞蹈員、攝影部所有人員、服裝設計、美術、化妝髮型設計、拍攝工程設計、平面設計、室內設計、道具製作、大小型活動策劃
攝影及影音 / 攝影ICE-CREAM" Theme Production

FREELANCE打字服務!! Chinese&English&Japanese&korean Typing Services高效率中文/英文/日文/韓文打字服務
A商業 / 翻譯ABOUTOLIVApp_6

Studio 提供影樓租用,商業攝影,人像攝影,閨密攝影,寵物攝影,家庭攝影,BB攝影,孕婦攝影,Pre-Wedding等服務

🐻熊熊車 正式投入服務 📣期間限定推廣 開放檔期有限,歡迎盡早查詢💐 Professional Wedding Service🎊 獨家優惠 $3380/4小時 (O.T.$800) 以上價格已包括司機,油費 (不包括泊車費及來回隧道費) https://www.facebook.com/%E7%86%8A%E8%BF%B7%E8%BB%8A-2163375470622
R結婚 / 花車Rree

CPA, MBA, well comprehensive accounting experiences, banking facilities

適合各式各樣的商業攝影,抱括婚照拍攝、時裝產業、雜誌社或個人/私人的租賃、拍片、親子拍攝。Studio, vintage,wedding

【大優惠】~【新娘化妝 /姊妹/長輩/奶奶/Pre-wedding / 註冊/謝師宴/晚宴/Set頭 】
T結婚 / 化妝及髮型Tai'S MAKE UP

Freelance中英文翻譯及校對服務( Freelance Chinese & English Translation & Proofreading Services)
F商業 / 翻譯Freddie Chan
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