Candy corner set for $200

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攝影及影音 / 攝影Gary Studio

歡迎隨時whatsapp 查詢 有關化妝服務如下: 姊妹 媽咪 奶奶 謝師宴 各類宴會 (化妝連set頭) : - 收費: 1位$420 2-4位$400; 5位或以上$380 - 送假眼睫毛 一對 - 免費修眉 一次 ********************************************* 新娘化妝及造型: Plan A: $2500(一個造型) Plan B: $480
I美容 / 化妝In-SB makeup

Hong Kong-based Big Data Analytics service provider, offering one-stop data services, such as Data Consultation, Data Platform, Machine Learning, and Predictive Analysis...
V商業 / 顧問Video Hong Kong

*Answer incoming calls outgoing calls from customers needing assistance in a variety of areas. *Fulfill customer service functions. *Answer questions, give explanation, and solve problems for customer

萬豪花車 Vanko - QQ Orange Van 愛靚のVan 有型又得意 真喺人見人愛! 歡迎致電查詢 Tel : 2628 3988
結婚 / 花車Vanko Wedding Services


B結婚 / 婚紗禮服Bridal Runway HK

The Clover最希望了解新人的需要,為他們一生一次的日子用心營造出喜愛的音樂,將最圓滿的樂曲交給新人。他們重視新人對婚禮的期望和需要,提供效果最理想的演出方案,就著婚禮每個環節和現場反應營造氣氛,甚至協助新人排練演唱環節,帶來感動體驗。 The Clover更奪得婚禮雜誌大賞2019/2020星級婚禮音樂.最佳音樂團隊獎項。
結婚 / 婚禮演奏The Clover

2020-2021年6月檔期已開放 姊妹妝 / 親友化妝 / 宴會化妝 / 畢業化妝 / 謝師宴化妝 / 影樓化妝 / Pre-Wedding
p結婚 / 化妝及髮型phoebeyannn

Our services include photo shooting & video recording on the wedding day, pre-wedding and commercial event.
S結婚 / 海外婚禮Snapz Wedding Photography

Local and overseas one-stop wedding services brand

結婚 / 結婚優惠Vanko Wedding Services

Are you looking for Air conditioner cleaning services? Then you are in the right place. AC cleaning provides you with a complete range of domestic and commercial air conditioner cleaning services.

We are one of the few translation firms in Hong Kong that specializes in the translation of various types of Chinese documents (traditional/simplified) into English at an affordable rate.
N商業 / 翻譯New Voice Publishing Co.

本影樓約 18,000 呎 提供多個不同主題的場景,15間獨立的影樓拍攝空間,私人化妝間連試身室,完善的基本攝影器材,加上專人為場境道具設置,適合各式各樣的商業攝影,抱括婚照拍攝、時裝產業、雜誌社或個人/私人的租賃,另配合外景拍攝的需要,我們更提供道具外借的租賃服務,歡迎預約參觀。Pre wedding,
攝影及影音 / 攝影場地出租

Tansshop 全新 兩穿 禮服 輕婚紗 Size L 未剪牌 只穿過一次 買大咗

Who Am I? A Hong Kong Makeup Artist An experienced makeup/hairstyling artist based in Hong Kong provides excellent services that meet clients needs with satisfaction.
k美容 / 化妝kracemak

OSOME – a company that provides technology-powered incorporation, bank account, corporate secretarial, accounting, tax and work permit services. It also gives company owners a very handy dashboard.
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