‘Area 14D’ is a 3200 Sq.ft (Ceiling height 12ft.) full-service production studio located In east Hong Kong island- Open for rental.

GLCM (Hons.)UK, LTCL, ALCM *英國音樂系榮譽學士學位 *英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院鋼琴鋼琴級演奏文憑 *英國倫敦音樂學院鋼琴文憑 *曾任浸會大學校外課程導師 *錄製教學影片,隨時重溫及進度快 免費教學影片及给予你專業意見,用心助你 *可錄影video交功課,提供專業彈奏意見 *因材施教及互動輕鬆形式,激發學習動力和啟發潛能,培養自信心及創造豐盛人生

We are offering offer different levels of business writing services to working group living in Hong Kong for Employment related, business proposal, etc
H商業 / 顧問HK Kings and Assignment Writer

GLCM (Hons.)UK, LTCL, ALCM *英國音樂系榮譽學士學位 *英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院鋼琴鋼琴級演奏文憑 *英國倫敦音樂學院鋼琴文憑 *曾任浸會大學校外課程導師 *錄製教學影片,隨時重溫及進度快 免費教學影片及给予你專業意見,用心助你 *可錄影video交功課,提供專業彈奏意見 *因材施教及互動輕鬆形式,激發學習動力和啟發潛能,培養自信心及創造豐盛人生

We are a group of experts in providing college level assignment & dissertation coaching & writing services (Management, Finance, Economy, Marketing, Supply Chain, etc.) 100% Self creation
H教學進修 / 學術諮詢HK Kings and Assignment Writer

poster, character design, name card, leaflet, log, banner, 書刊排版,插圖, video edit etc. Email: [email protected] Portfolio: https://graphicmlittlem.wixsite.com/my-site-2
g設計 / 平面設計graphicmlittlem

L&SPicture 位於葵芳, 面積1200呎多,樓底12呎 大窗台引入自然光再配以簡約明亮的設計,打造出溫馨愜意的家居。 影樓另配備了完善的燈具器材、Wi-Fi 、獨立化妝間,傢俱可隨意移動,靈活配合您的需要。
L場地租用 / 影樓StudioL and S Picture

Since 1987, King On has set an uncompromising standard for each photography and video production. During more than 20 years of continuous operation, King's Production has produced just over 1000 weddi
K結婚 / 香港婚紗攝影King's Production

歡迎私人/自組瑜伽班,用心教學,時間彈性配合,可到各區上門/ 小班教學!
y運動及健身 / 瑜伽yankieee_yogini

提供中學到大學程度作業,小組專題輔導。 提供詳細解題步驟。 輔導完成小組專題。
s教學進修 / 補習sing workwork

生產各款男、女裝及童裝之針織、梳織時裝,承接小單,數量不拘,樣辦製作等。We are the production of knitted & woven fashion for Ladies’ 、Men’s & kids. Our service is including production of small order(any Qty), making proto and sales samples.

拍片王.com,十五年商業影視製作及影視內容行銷服務(Video Content Marketing),正快速擴展中,位於大角咀(太子站步行10分鐘)。現誠徵全職初級文員。

全職ICT初級學徒 拍片王.com,十五年專注於商業影視製作及影視內容行銷服務(Video Content Marketing),正快速擴展中,位於大角咀(太子站步行10分鐘)。現誠徵全職ICT初級學徒。

Event/ Corporate Video/ Product Video/ Wedding Video/ Animation
P設計 / 電腦動畫Profess.hk

Lime creates world class b2b and b2c videos for some of the world s leading brands. From concept to production we have become one of Hong Kong s most trusted Video Production and Content Creation comp
L設計 / 電腦動畫Lime Content Studios

海航物流集團ELEGANT LOGISTICS GROUP LTD.於1990年成立至今,一直致力提供高質素之國際貨運及第三者物流管理服務,並已發展成為一間極全面及完善的物流服務公司。本公司的服務範圉包括︰中港貨櫃及噸車運輸、本地貨運、貨倉儲存、貨櫃拖運、裝卸拆轉、供應商管理、運輸提貨、海運訂倉及3PL LOGISTICS等,提供快捷、廉宜、高質素之國際貨運服務。
商業 / 物流及倉儲海航物流集團有限公司

Strong design style, conceptual and production skills. Able to fulfill output artwork for printing independently (leaflet, packaging, catalogue, poster, etc.)Social media post visual design experience

Our M and E stands for Media and Event. We are a group of passionate artists offering a full pack services, from planning, design, set up and production.
M設計 / 節目及活動M.E. PRO. COMPANY

Cameraman and Production Service
H攝影及影音 / 攝影Hall of Film

Professional Full Range Production Service - Studio & Outdoor - Photography & Videography - Aerial,Fashion,Advertising,Commercial,Online Streaming,Product,Portrait,Movie,Photo Retouch,Video Editing
攝影及影音 / 攝影Pin Production
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