我們的業務 活動策劃及宣傳 活動策劃、活動管理​、各式設計、媒體宣傳、媒體訪問​、公關管理 搭建及佈置 舞台搭建、展覽搭建、活動場地佈置、店鋪設計​、流動店舖設計 ​攝影攝錄 專業攝影、專業攝錄、燈光製作、串流直播 Our Services Production | Stage - Exhibition - Popup - Show - Decoration Event | Planning

We offer our Tin Hau office space to share with interested parties .

The office will be shared with another independent agency. You will have 1-4 desks and storage space. We prefer people who are in the fields of tutoring, strings teaching, consulting, writing and some

One and Only Speed dating 同時是One and Only Wedding Planning 的分支, 旗下有數名專業Wedding Planner,七年經驗的婚姻司儀及美容達人。各成員對香港戀愛文化, 極速約會, 乃至婚姻大事都有非常深入的認識。在dating業務方面, 我們深明香港工作環境,工時長,職場性別單一化的問題, 令不少朋友難以認識異性,因此我們抱著解決問題的熱
O消閒及娛樂 / 交友尋緣One and Only Speed Dating

時租辦公室 hour space 時租 不同主題房間 美容 化妝 指甲 office 辦公室 自修室

We offer our Tin Hau office space to share with interested parties .

coworking space 共用工作空間 商務中心 交流平台 serviced business centre, Hong Kong, Jordan MTR 全包 24小時閉路監察
物業地產 / 共用工作空間IDEIA Coworking Space and Serviced Office

Garage Society is a contemporary co-work operator in Asia. Home to leading international startups, freelancers, and creatives, we regularly host events to facilitate collaboration within our community

We offer our Tin Hau office space to share with interested parties.

共用工作空間 ,公司直接項目,租金最平最優惠,設備完善,包WIFI ,租客完全不要付經紀佣金 (免佣) 。


"Office Space and Event Venue Rental in Central 香港中環辦公室及活動場地租用"

Metropolitan Workshop offers 24 hours coworking spaces in multi-location all over Hong Kong, located in major business districts including Central, Admiralty, Wan Chai, Tin Hau and Kwai Chung.

Coworking space, 免佣, 即租即用;共享空間辦公室及儲存空間可供選擇。
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