All of our apartments are stylishly furnished with meticulous attention to detail, ideally located and close to leisure amenities and key business centres.

位於觀塘區九龍灣,地鐵站步行五分鐘到達,擁有三間不同的主題房,可容納20人,簡約時尚的室內佈置,適合舉辦主題派對、Farewell Party、小朋友生日會、學生團體聚會、Speed Dating之夜、慈善活動、Home Party、私人派對、Wine Party、興趣課程、團體聚餐等……為您提供一個充滿歡樂氣氛、難忘的派對服務 和 相聚場地!

會計理賬、稅務、公司秘書 - 成立公司、無限公司報稅、有限公司報稅、公司結業、股份轉讓專 - 室內裝飾、翻新、專業綠化及可持續能源系統的安裝及特殊建築項目 - 工程策劃及技術支援的專業團隊
Y商業 / 會計及稅務Your professional partner

婚禮司儀, 婚禮統簿, Wedding MC, MC

屯門美樂花園車位出售,PG 228 (超好義頭) ,全包,近入口,四正,易泊,直接業主免佣,請電: 61234509 Mr. Wong 價錢:$730000(售)

The Work Project is a membership based workplace that delivers a work experience that is holistic: humanistic, inspirational and multi-sensory.
t商業 / 會社、組織及團體the work project

泰湖閣1400' 1/F,2/F+700'天台,全海景,3房

Taking lesson at 2 Grand Pianos, with an experienced teacher - Mr. Thoman Tam
M音樂 / 教學進修Mr. Thoman Tam

Experience the musical sensation of performing the classics on a Petrof III and a Yamaha C2 grand pianos.

設計 / 室內設計JMD Studio

大家好,我係DicKens!! 一位菜鳥rookie私人健身指導。 No Pain, No Gain 我從來唔相信減肥,瘦身,增肌,係有咩速成法。就算真係有,都其實須要藥物同奶粉幫助。我認為健身最重要係做得健康,如果為左減肥,瘦身,增肌,令到自身受到副作用傷害,健身又有何意思呢?我認為做健身,最重要係天然,由淺做起,慢慢打好根基,防止反彈效果出現。 作為一位私人健身指導,我唔單止係教導唔同exer

近乎全新,只用了數月,彩色多功能文件管理(黑白及彩色打印, Scan,Fax...),適合A3及A4文件處理,簡單易用,非常好用,只餘下53個月供款,月供$565

公作間創智中心 ---- 一處充滿活力的創意大本營。


3D每張1000(住宅), 1200(辦公室或商店), 500(各類平面圖), 700(傢俱制作圖), 60元每平方呎(室內設計), 工程服務要另外報價

Clean & Nice Individual Furnished Room For Rent near MTR with all facilities around

20 inch tyre, 20 gears, foldable. 東涌MTR交車

Apartment in Hong Kong Island, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, sleeps 10 All eyes gaze on Causeway Bay. And yet, here on Fashion Walk is a home that may make you forget such glamorous distraction. In fact, y

Kaijo Design Engineering Limited provide residential ,commercial , retails interior design construction for Hong Kong and China Clients.Our team have innovative concept to design a suitable , beauti
家居 / 室內設計及裝修Kaijo Design Engineering Limited
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