coworking space 共用工作空間 商務中心 交流平台 serviced business centre, Hong Kong, Jordan MTR 全包 24小時閉路監察
物業地產 / 共用工作空間IDEIA Coworking Space and Serviced Office

Garage Society is a contemporary co-work operator in Asia. Home to leading international startups, freelancers, and creatives, we regularly host events to facilitate collaboration within our community

共用工作空間 ,公司直接項目,租金最平最優惠,設備完善,包WIFI ,租客完全不要付經紀佣金 (免佣) 。

"Office Space and Event Venue Rental in Central 香港中環辦公室及活動場地租用"

Metropolitan Workshop offers 24 hours coworking spaces in multi-location all over Hong Kong, located in major business districts including Central, Admiralty, Wan Chai, Tin Hau and Kwai Chung.

大约步行5分钟到马鞍山地铁站。楼下步行1分钟就有直线巴士 :87D经旺角至尖沙咀, 每3至5分钟1班车。681、680经东隧直达北角、铜锣湾、湾仔、中上环。87K, 十分钟车程直达大学火车站。A41P、NA40, 全日24小时有巴士直达机场。通宵绿色专线小巴从旺角道总站20分钟到达。成熟社区, 配套齐全。whatsapp: 96180391业主直租,免地产经纪佣金。每月水、电、煤按人头share。
物業地產 / 住宅出租蒙先生

日出康城領都,領凱 L2樓236號車位$3980 HKD一個月,靚車位極方便易泊.租期:租約期12個月,包管理費,有意請電66517173,或 Wechat微信:lamchileong ; Whatsapp: +85366311682 Car Park Spaces for Rent : LOHAS PARK LE PRESTIGE LE PRIME , LEVEL 2 , 236 space

家具, 家品, 單人床, 雙人床, 床, 衣櫃, 書架, 書桌, 書枱, 茶几, 咖啡枱, 餐桌, 餐枱, transform furniture, multifunction furniture, creative furniture, space-saving furniture, wall bed, transforming table, furniture, single bed

FACEBOOK LIKE& SHARE 活動日期:8月1 日至10月30日 1) 凡LIKE及「Cheerwood Education Centre」專頁 2) 分享「Cheerwood Education Centre」的最新POST 即可獲該月份課程學費95折 優惠二 邀請同學朋友成功報名任何課程 帶一人送$150優惠卷 帶兩人送$350優惠卷 帶三人送$600優惠卷
c教學進修 / 補習cheerwood

WorkTech co-working space, 全新裝潢, 設備完善, 交通便利, 適合各中小企業, 時尚行業, 創業者及自由工作者 - 流動/固定辦公桌 - $1500起 - 私人辦公室 - $5800起 - 全包 - 歡迎查詢: 37009300 - - Email: [email protected]

FLAT SHARE @ Kowloon Bay (MALE roomate) U have 1room x 1 living area (HK$7,000/m)

分享辦公室, 辦公室出租, Office Share, Desk Share, Prime Location, Office Sublet, Sublet Office

Stars Stage which is a 3500 sqft multipurpose space located in Lai Chi KoK with 3 private rooms. It just takes 3-minutes walk from Lai Chi Kok MTR Station Exit C. The venue can accommodate up to 195 p

牌子: NISSIN座王ZAOU (與此link 一樣: (配備防翻輔助輪, 輪椅前後傾角度達 – 4 ~ 30度) (原價HKD12000)

車位 出租$5500 中遠大廈 上環 皇后大道中183 號 Cosco Tower Parking Space for Rent Call:9868-5827 Ms Yau
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