靚寫字樓裝修,建築面積:485 平方呎,獨立廁所,交通方便,觀塘港鐵站,每月租金:HK$11,000

大量網上樓盤,請瀏覽: www.chungfu.com.hk 另有類近單位提供 華偉工業大廈 建築面積: 838 呎 租: $9,800 達貿中心(寫字樓裝) 租: $12,500 建築面積: 681呎 華俊工業中心(海景寫裝) 建築面積: 1710呎 租: $14500
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Beautifully renovated inside and out. All maintenance is up to date, and she is ready to cruise anywhere in Hong Kong Waters today!
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Qualified in teaching various aspects of English such as phonics, grammar, exam prep, interview prep, presentation skills, creative writing, public speaking and several others.

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Chong Ko Shutter Engineering Company創高捲閘工程有限公司 📱:852-93037529 ☎:852-31679851 📠:852-35274200 📧:[email protected] 📡:www.chongkoshutter31679851.com 🏢:(寫字樓)香港沙田火炭山尾街43-47號環球工業中心15樓24室Unit 24
商業 / 建築及建造創高捲閘報價93037529

Chong Ko Shutter Engineering Company創高捲閘工程有限公司 📱:852-93037529 ☎:852-31679851 📠:852-35274200 📧:[email protected] 📡:www.chongkoshutter31679851.com 🏢:(寫字樓)香港沙田火炭山尾街43-47號環球工業中心15樓24室Unit 24
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