Struggling with French grammar? Learning French makes your children feel frustrated? I'm here to help you! J'aimerais vous aider et retrouver du plaisir à apprendre le français:)

Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre provide a one-stop shop for technology transfer and commercialisation. 物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心提供一站式技術轉移及商品化服務
l商業 / 顧問lscmfp

S&A brand CW-5200 air cooled chiller ‘s cooling capacity up to 1.4KW , ±0.3℃ temperature control precision and temperature control range in 5-35℃.

I would like to adopt a golden puppy, please kindly contact me
m寵物 / 寵物領養mohoqmueal

租影樓1800平方尺可供駛用, The service is designed to offer both comfort and practicality ensuring a successful shooting experience
攝影及影音 / 攝影Ganymede Photo Studio

Become a website tester and get paid $10 for 20 minutes of work from home!

Top Showline German Shepherd Dog For Sell!! 大約20日 歡迎致電查詢 60922190
u寵物 / 寵物轉讓uwe kwok

Industrial water chiller model CW-5000 is produced by Guangzhou Teyu Electromechanical Co., Ltd. Integrity, Pragmatic and Enterprising are TEYU core values. They make us always adhere to Quality Firs

Looking for a GMAT one-on-one private tutor for a two-month prep in July and August. Central/Island area.

Look for a freelance developer to build a CRM We are planning to launch a loyalty program and would need a CRM for the loyalty program. Our POS is VEND, you could be able to integrate with the CRM. P

We are a local fashion brand looking for an enthusiastic intern to join to aid the E-Commerce project for 2-3 days a week from June to August to help content marketing and market research. You should

Contact Yahoo for email regarding help simply dial the toll free number to make a easier call to Yahoo mail support.

A British-born Chinese myself, I am an HKU MBBS Student wanting to be a tutor and am confident to raise your expectations and apply for better universities!
A教學進修 / 補習Alexander Ng

20多年經驗全職女教師,美國大學最高榮譽畢業,任職司琴多年,個別教授兒童/成人 ABRSM 1-8級。教學認真,守時及有耐性。培育精英, 學生的ABRSM考試成績分數高達142。歡迎 WhatsApp Ms Janet 報名試堂 (免費)。

We offer our Tin Hau office space to share with interested parties.
T物業地產 / 商務中心Taikun Space

屋宇設備工程,室內空氣質素,節能環保,空氣及水處理,噪音及震動處理,實驗室服務,工地現場檢測及評估等。 Building Services Engg., IAQ, Energy Savings, Environmental Protection, Air & Water and Noise & Vibration Treatment, Lab & Site Measurement, etc.

服務對象包括: 貓 狗 貂鼠 龍貓 天竺鼠 倉鼠 葵鼠 松鼠 飛鼠 巴西龜 飛河龜 珍珠龜 星龜 盾臂龜 箱龜 雀 鳥 蜥蜴 變色龍 蛇. We see ALL CREATURES. 需預先電話預約Tel/電: 2650 6332
寵物 / 獸醫大埔獸醫診所 / Tai Po Veterinary Clinic

本診所提供貓、狗、兔、龍貓、鳥、鼠、龜、魚類及兩棲類寵物...醫療 Our Clinic Welcomes & Cares for ALL CREATURES great or small.
寵物 / 獸醫大埔獸醫診所(珍禽・異獸) / Tai Po(All Creatures)Vet Clinic

ChinesePod is a Mandarin Chinese learning platform that provides audio lessons, mobile study tools and exercise, as well as individual online tutoring lessons, which are designed for learners of every
C教學進修 / 語言課程ChinesePod Limited
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