
多年freelance經驗, 能配合客戶製作合適美觀的設計, 態度專業, 準時交貨。
M設計 / 平面設計Michelle Au

About Main Focus Founded in 2000, Main Focus serves the market with a broad range of car lighting products. At present we have several major distributors and dealers all over the world. And now we ar

高層, 景觀開揚, 附雅致裝修, 間隔實用, 望清蔥翠綠開揚遠河景, 無遮無擋, 光猛涼爽。單位間隔四正, 兩房一廳, 兩間房均可放雙人床及衣櫃。另外,交通超級方便,步行約3分鍾即到 V City及屯門西鐵總站(約35分鐘車程直達尖沙咀), 步行2分鐘至輕鐵站,另徒步約5分鍾即到屯門市廣場; 樓下更有多條巴士及通宵小巴線直達港九新界, 另有巴士專線約15分鍾即到深圳灣; 附近除電影院售票處外, 還

Professional accounting and taxation services at reasonable fee. Book-keeping: $300up per month, $1200up per year. Audit arrangement: $3500up. Welcome enquiries & fee quotation. Tel: 91321945
G商業 / 會計及稅務Gold Treasury Accounting and Finance Centre

雜色扭蛋殼 (11cm直徑)/ 九龍灣交收或順豐到付/ 有意請電郵[email protected]

Rare in the market Suitable for all business, Soft drink store With wash room, equiped with facilities, 90% usable area Wide open, High traffic, Individual travel hot spot 1050呎地下 入則閣500呎 做緊食 可出大牌 來去
M物業地產 / 商舖租售MR.mak56416026
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