直接業主, 免佣包差管費. 位置方便, 可泊大車. No commission required. Parking fee include rates and management fee.

100% Tutorial Accounting Financial Reporting Taxation Financial Management Audit Management Accounting Full-time tutors will teach students based on their learning ability with their learning progress

100% 全日會計全職導師會根據各同學們的學習進度及要求,因材施教。 利用簡明講解及解題方法, 鞏固學科概念,提高學習效率。導師了解同學們所遇的難題,訓練和指導同學們應用知識解題, 導師已處理眾多同學們在學科上難題。實體/網上教學

Our school was first established at a site in Sai Ying Poon through the generosity of the Kadoorie Family in 1890's. The Hong Kong Government assumedthe school management in 1916 and the school later

CCC Heep Woh College is a school seeking excellence. It is a family rich in tradition as the origin can be traced back to 1911 when Mrs. Bigelow set up Heep Woh Kindergarten in Guangzhou. We try our

屋宇設備工程,室內空氣質素,節能環保,空氣及水處理,噪音及震動處理,實驗室服務,工地現場檢測及評估等。 Building Services Engg., IAQ, Energy Savings, Environmental Protection, Air & Water and Noise & Vibration Treatment, Lab & Site Measurement, etc.

各類大學功課、essay、homework、assignment、畢業論文修改和指導 由內容結構到參考資料,保證原創,絕不抄襲,turn-it-in 絕對無問題
H商業 / 教學進修Homeworkhelper


Cozy main event area may be freely configured to meet the specific needs of event, including placement of the furniture and position of the projection screen. Welcome up to 45 guests in a seminar

全職導師會根據各同學們的學習進度及要求,因材施教。 利用簡明講解及解題方法, 鞏固學科概念,提高學習效率。導師了解同學們所遇的難題,訓練和指導同學們應用知識解題, 導師已處理眾多同學們在學科上難題。https://www.tutor-ricky.com
T教學進修 / 補習Tutor Ricky

F物業地產 / 物業管理服務Funing Property Management Limited

Management 在台灣我們對 物業管理、房地產、保安管理、物聯網皆有豐富專業知識及高效率團隊合作,深受各界信賴與好評。 我們擁有前瞻思維、極重視客戶關係,務求成為物業管理市場領導者, 以專業、熱忱、負責、積極、創新的專業團隊,達到客戶所交付的任務使命。

利物浦本地團隊, 人性化管理, 為業主著想 利物浦物業投資
物業地產 / 物業管理服務英聯物業管理有限公司

Pokfulam Development Company Limited is a property investment and investment holding company.

We are a Hong Kong real estate agency that specializes in Residential and Commercial properties, let us guide you through the whole renting and buying process

G物業地產 / 物業管理服務GoldWell Property Management Ltd

景天樹藝團隊,擁有超過10年專業樹木及園境管理管理經驗,由政府認可之註冊樹藝師主理,為本港及華南地區客人提供一站式樹藝服務。 提供樹木風險評估及審核(Form 1 & Form 2),樹木移除申請 (Tree Removal Application) 樹木調查,地政投訴個案處理,樹木驗查,建築地盤樹木保護,樹木修剪移除護理服務,估值服務。直接承接,質素專業。 歡迎致電查詢及預約。
家居 / 園藝及戶外設備景天樹藝顧問有限公司
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