我們以最輕鬆的拍攝手法來為嬰幼兒及家庭親子相片拍攝服務為主, 讓您們可享受拍攝的樂趣之餘, 更保證為每位媽媽及寶寶留住最真摯的一刻及將生命成長的力量和喜悅,展示在相片上。 再加上攝影師擅長捕捉孩子天真可愛的笑容, 令每個家庭都能輕輕鬆鬆地享受拍攝過程時能留住最美好的童年回憶。 還有我們亦著重後期製作,令每張相片更為完美。這就是Coochichi Photographer 對每一位客人的100%
c親子 / 親子攝影coochichi

China Pingyao International Photography Festival is the oldest and largest photography exhibition in China. Organizers: China Photographers Association, China Art Photographic Association, Red Cross

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Welcome to Coochichi Photography 兒童戶外攝影,初生嬰兒攝影 及 生日會PARTY攝影 FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/CoochichiPhotog Blog : http://coochichi.wordpress.com/ 聯絡方式:[email protected] 『Coochichi Photograph
c親子 / 親子攝影coochichi

Welcome to Coochichi Photography 兒童戶外攝影,初生嬰兒攝影 及 生日會PARTY攝影 FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/CoochichiPhotog Blog : http://coochichi.wordpress.com/ 聯絡方式:[email protected] 『Coochichi Photograph
c親子 / 親子攝影coochichi

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C結婚 / 海外婚禮Camila_P

Overseas Wedding Photography. Pre Wedding Photography Francis’s photography is all about creating a timeless image which you can treasure for a lifetime. His distinctive style is founded throug
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Overseas Wedding Packages Budapest is at the Heart of Europe and the Gateway to many other magnificent cities such as Vienna, Salzburg, Prague, Venice, and Krakow. The Beautiful Budapest Package is i
O結婚 / 海外婚禮Overseas Wedding Photography
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