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我開始跟隨盧柱東教授深造小提琴的時候,已當過不少樂團的首席,拉了無數遍獨奏,他卻對我説了一番非常重要的話,他説: 「你的琴拉得不錯,但要當小提琴家是沒可能的,我現在教你,不單是教你拉琴,也是教你教琴,把我的方法和經驗傳承給你,希望你可以教些出色的學生來。」

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Christine M. Koo & Ip, Solicitors & Notaries is a Hong Kong law firm established in 1992. The scope of practice includes, but is not limited to, insurance and pension, banking, trust, conveya
C商業 / 法律事務Christine M.Koo & Ip, Solicitors & Notaries 顧張文菊律師行
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