女私人鋼琴老師,因應學生性格及能力制定教學方法及挑選教材; 與家長及學生共同制定教學目標。九龍灣 三角琴授課,18年教學經驗,曾於柏斯琴行及其他音樂中心任教多年,獲頒「傑出鋼琴教師」。
M音樂 / 教學進修Miss Chau

ChinesePod is a Mandarin Chinese learning platform that provides audio lessons, mobile study tools and exercise, as well as individual online tutoring lessons, which are designed for learners of every
C教學進修 / 語言課程ChinesePod Limited

Discount, sale, virtual, class, online, Spanish, French, Italian, german
E消閒及娛樂 / 消閒優惠Eton Institute

We Sell Gold,Diamonds,Copper cathode,If you interested ,Please Kindly Visit our Website Copy & Paste this Link if it's not Clickable :http://www.robertsongoldmining.com/ We Always look forward for
D設計 / 珠寶設計Donald Robert

課程內容包括有教授學員如何複製一盤由香港人營運的網上銷售生意,而這些人每月的網上銷售營業額已超過 HK$20,000 至 HK$300,000 不等。
O教學進修 / 會計及經濟Online Marketing Leader

Whether new or used, the company specializes in the purchase of vehicles from various European countries and Japan.
G汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Gainfull Motors Trading Ltd.

SEI provides IT solutions like CloudSoft CRM, VoIP, IVR system, these kinds of projects will be funded by Technology Voucher Programme (科技券), for more details, please visit http://www.hksei.com/en/cl

ONLINE SHOP【優肌美集 Beaute Treasure by UNIVA BEAUTY】銷售日本Ex:beaute 女優肌、Evangelist BB Cream、Ce'parfait品牌化妝品。(ONLINE SHOP: www.univabeauty.com)
U美容 / 零售及批發Univa Beauty

Design Programmes: Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing, Graphic Design, Multimedia Design, Interior Design.
M設計 / 教學進修Marketing Dept

Aimhkdesign 能為各公司機構設計出具品牌個性的字體商標及商標圖案,適合初嘗創業、網上商店(Online Shop)、Facebook商店、各大中小企業之選。

商標設計、中小企業設計套餐,能為各公司機構設計具品牌個性的字體商標或商標圖案,適合初嘗創業、網上商店 (Online Shop)、Facebook商店、各大小企業之選。除此以外,客戶更可以配合卡片、信封、信紙、宣傳單張、網站橫額 (Web Banner)設計服務,整合出一套完善的品牌方案。我們更為客戶提供一站式設計及印刷服務,務求能達致省時及快捷的優質設計。Whatsapp 61041748下單。
設計 / 平面設計Local Creative Design (LCD)

承接各類針梳織男女時裝紙樣及初辦縫製,從事二十多年紙樣制作,能看圖出樣並提供專業意見,準時交付,價錢合理。可代安排綉花 / 印花,價錢以綉花廠 / 印花廠報價為準。

ONLINE SHOP【優肌美集 Beaute Treasure by UNIVA BEAUTY】銷售日本Ex:beaute 女優肌、Evangelist BB Cream、Ce'parfait品牌化妝品。(ONLINE SHOP: www.univabeauty.com)
U美容 / 零售及批發Univa Beauty

 At Macau’s City of Dreams, you can experience an array of dazzling entertainment, luxury accommodation, international dining and designer fashion brands with great ways to win more.

傢俬和櫥櫃訂造,以及室內設計與裝修工程, 網上經營,價格實惠 / Affordable online furniture and kitchen design and home renovation
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