三禾的維修部設備完善, 能為客人提供基本的維修保養外, 更能提供比賽級的專業服務. 由一般的綿羊仔,巡行車, 街車, 以及超級跑車 都是我們的服務對象. 三禾公司除了有一般的維修工具, 如裝拆胎機, 升降台, 氮氣機外, 還有可為你的愛驅做全面測試的 馬力機. Our WorkShop, facilities and services Sanwa do everything from simply

中港滅蚊機專賣店-MosKiller 2011-GS932HK 戶外滅蚊機 Outdoor Mosquito Machine
商業 / 清潔及滅蟲中港滅蚊機專賣店

The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club was officially inaugurated on 16th December 1982. Although the grand vision to build this three in one facility comprising country club, golf and marina fac
T旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club

中港電滅蚊機專賣店-MosKiller 2011-GS932HK 戶外滅蚊機 Outdoor Mosquito Machine
商業 / 清潔及滅蟲中港電滅蚊機專賣店

Airport Representatives will be on duty at arrival hall anytime during operation hours of the Airport, to Meet-and Greet guest and to assist and escort them to the limousine lounge. Airport check-in
H汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Hi Lee (H.K.) Transportation Co., Ltd.

[About Us] Kenfil was established in US back in 1983 and as we saw the fast growing demands in the Asia market, we set our foot in Asia with the opening of our Hong Kong Office in 1989. With a single

24小時 客貨車預約 24hour Call Provided Van Rental

私人鑽的(輪椅接載)車,提供輪椅使用人仕接載服務,主要新界九龍區。 原裝輪椅升降台(並非改裝車),安全可靠,收費大眾化。 預約請電:68038400

.Our goal is providing high quality and the most comprehensive services to help corporations or investors exploit their business at home or abroad. .L F Z visa extension .Business registration .Work/

THE LINEAR MAKATI Targeting the younger generation working in Makati, Filinvest Land, Inc. (FLI) has come up with The Linear, a master-planned mixed use residential and commercial development that en

The SPCA has 6 animal clinics which are located in Wanchai, Ho Man Tin, Sai Kung, Cheung Chau, Mui Wo and Hang Hau.We also run a mobile clinic to cover the remote areas. Our veterinary team treats ov
S寵物 / 獸醫Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

荃灣區工業大廈,商業大廈 [租] / [買賣] / [分租] / [長短租] ,橫龍街,德士古道,沙咀道,楊屋道等,全發商業大廈,萬象工業大廈,王子工業大廈,順力工業大廈,海林大廈,永桂工業大廈,永如工業大廈,永華工業大廈,利興強中心,亞洲第一中心,派龍中心,富源工業大廈,美德中心,龍力,興盛,宏龍,華隆,隆盛,德豐工業中心,荃灣工業中心,德士古工業中心...83336789,83386789

ITOS Resources aims to provide a wide range of IT technical supports and solutions to varies kinds of business and organization. By providing a single point of contact to clients for resolving all pr

Tak Sing Alliance Group was founded by Mr. Ma Kai Cheung who started a jeans manufacturing business under the name of "Tak Sing Garment Factory" in Hong Kong in 1967. As a result of rapid b

We provide full medical and surgical facilities for all your pets needs, large and small. . 參考價錢: $230 (藥物另計)
L寵物 / 獸醫Lion Rock Veterinary Hospital

江西天仙精藏設備有限公司,座落於著名的藥都酒鄉-----樟樹市。這裡是典型的江南水鄉,這裡酒醉人、景醉人,樟翠酒香,四季風光的樟樹市,古往今來讓多少來客流連忘返。 天仙公司是全國少數幾家專業從事骨灰存放架生產的優秀企業, 專為殯儀館,陵園,骨灰堂,寺廟等提供存放架。公司成立以來,集雄厚的科研,設計,生產實力於一體,厚積薄發,潛心挖掘產品的傳統精髓,拓展產品的文化內涵和科技空間,做到專而精,專而深
J個人及社區 / 殯儀 - 殯儀服務Jiangxi Tianxian Fine Storage Equipment Co., LTD

Established in 1979, Sino Estates Management Limited (SEML) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sino Land Company Limited and a fully accredited property management company that has been elected as a ful
物業地產 / 物業管理服務信和物業管理有限公司

We provide full medical and surgical facilities for all your pets needs, large and small. .
L寵物 / 獸醫Lion Rock Veterinary Hospital

GSL Technology International Limited specialized in the Document Imaging industry
G商業 / 印刷GSL Technology Ltd
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