Company Profile Corporate and Security Solution Limited, CASSolution, is a Hong Kong based company, focus on providing total solution on Information Security, IT Service Management, Business Continui
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫企業安全方案有限公司

Globe Information Technology Limited (Globe-IT) is a full-service IT Outsourcing Service Provider based in Hong Kong. We are specialized in designing, building and managing IT system and infrastructu
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫地球資訊科技有限公司

NetMon Information Systems Ltd. is a leading value-added distributor of many cutting edge security technology solutions and products. Founded in 1999, NetMon is providing computer network security so
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫科研資訊系統有限公司

無法開機; 無故關機; 無顯示; 感染病毒; 感染木馬程式; 無法上網; 不能收發電郵; 入唔到WINDOWS; 運作變慢; 經常當機; 不能列印; 網速緩慢; 應用軟件損毀; Wi-Fi路由器安裝及寬頻分享等等。TEL/WhatsApp: 5308 2886 林先生。維修$198起, 歡迎家居或公司或團體用戶查詢

i5 SSD極速組合 $3099 預載正版Win10,全港免費送貨上門 連 免費安裝檢查測試,全港免費送貨上門 連 免費安裝檢查測試


**專科預習/ 考試技巧/ 精讀課程**劍橋工程糸女導師,第一及二年考獲一級榮譽, GCE 5A*1A,專攻理科,有耐心,可上門
C教學進修 / 補習Cheriiccy

Grow your business successfully with historical data using deep learning and anaylze what people is looking for? We are also into the research work in the field of Machine learning and Deep Learning.

DirectSoft承接各種it工程,包括有網頁開發,app開發,以及各種系統維護升級等等。 電話 3 5 6 5-6 3 6 6

Flow Wong - Freelance designer, graded in Hong Kong Design Institute. Good at CAD drawing and teaching
F設計 / 珠寶設計Flow Wong

We offers a wide range of products including artificial trees with natural trunks & plant with pot etc.
D鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽DB Plants Manufacturing Co Ltd

專業設計 剪片 動畫﹑短片﹑gif製作 裝嵌SRT字幕 繪圖一應俱全 HKCreativeProduction - Quality Work Only One Click Away 所有設計師均大學畢業(PolyU Design, CityU Media, BU Design),主修設計或動畫 (graphic design/animation/motion graphic)。 俱豐富設計經驗,
H設計 / 電腦動畫HKcreativeproduction

- 按月、季、或任何時段之日常會計。包括損益表、資産負債表及期他報表,以供管理層參考。 - 如管理層不需要定期報表,可於年結時一次入帳。以供報稅。 - EXCEL入帳快速、仔細及準確。可節省會計軟件成本。 - 如有需要,亦可以會計軟件入帳。如MYOB, Peachtree, Quick Book等。 - 行政支援如薪金計算,強積金及準備支票等。 - 代為與執業會
商業 / 會計及稅務何先生
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