金點/銀點/金影/銀影/布偶/緬因/藍金/紫金/曼基💯香港本地出生💮歡迎預約睇貓💮香港旺角實體店🐱小貓家族 Q cat family 🐱🌟🌟本店設有全香港首間新手貓奴專區🌟🌟
寵物 / 寵物轉讓小貓家族 Q Cat Family

I am a Eurasian male living in HK and I have been a (nude) model for figure drawing / photography / art / anatomy / body painting, etc. for a long time.

本人提供一對一私人指導訓練,為不同客戶提供體態目標 户外訓練:bodyweight HIIT, Trx training #model fitness #health #lifestyle #nopainnogame

Youtube: Luka Luk - Your Mental Health Coach https://youtu.be/SYBNIwbYixI (請訂閱) 免費YouTube頻道給你精神健康知識 多些心靈健康知識, 多些對你的心靈健康加力。 Email: [email protected]

Three cute Bengal kittkens for adoption owing to the health condition of the owner. Please contact me through whatsapp +852 55738455 for more details!
b寵物 / 寵物領養bengalovely

Hello, I am an average built Eurasian in HK. I have done modeling for clothing, products, life-body-art modeling for art / photograph. Contact me if anyone needs a male model for these work or others.

We are base American company spécialisés in manufacturing of all type of health protection face mask.

New litter of Male and female Sphynx Kittens for Adoption whatsapp 57165187


healthy litter of Male and female blue british short hair kittens for adoption whatsapp at 57165187

兩周內取得學歷 - 沒有最低要求入學條件,全英語網上授課 - 適合各行各業人士修讀, - 強力協助各學生成功取得證書/文憑 - 節省學生們的時間 - 證書/文憑有助學生尋找工作, - 課程有一定認受性,但最終決定權取決於個別雇主 - 課程範疇廣闊,基本上包括各行各業: (1) Technology (2) Language (3) Science (4) Health (5) Humanitie

二手,購自香港One Community Worldwide Limited,elife,有單,有操作說明,家人已痊愈,故此出售。 功用:改善全身健康(神經、循環、消化、泌尿、免疫、骨骼、脂肪、皮膚系統),有世界權威認證,歡迎查詢

飼養寵物魚比其他貓狗動物簡單很多 可幫助小朋友有效逐步建立恆心及責任心 包活包健康 免費快递到你的地址 Guaranteed Alive and Healthy Free courier service to your address (1) 24K全黃金大耳孔雀魚 24K Full Golden Dumbo Guppy (2) 白金大耳紅尾孔雀魚 Dumbo Red Tail

Health Skin 率先從意大利引進「ATP再生體驗」系統,有效改善衰老肌膚,更可解決肌膚敏感嚴重暗瘡等問題

Health Wisdom Training 主要提供培養創意技巧、NLP記憶技巧(全腦記憶學和職場記憶術)、心理學技巧(身體語言及讀心術)以及禮儀細節(商務禮儀、社交禮儀、餐桌禮儀)的課程及工作坊,歡迎企業培訓、團體、NGO、中心及各大小型機構包班或合作: 熱門題目: 【職場測謊】、【NLP記憶法】、【商務禮儀】、【國際餐桌禮儀】、【魅力、強勢、演講】

2 fabulous Pedigree British shorthair kittens. They have been regularly wormed, fully vaccinated and will come with TICA registration papers, 4 generation pedigree and 4 weeks free petplan insurance.
K寵物 / 寵物領養Kaho Mark

Male freelance translator who is eligible in Japanese - Cantonese, Mandarin and English is available
R商業 / 翻譯Rono
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