學游泳 學習呼吸 彈性時間地點 歡迎報價 陳先生 6422-6722 Swimming lessons with flexible times and locations. For more details please call Mr. Chan 6422-6722 Email: [email protected]

Create • Inspire • Excel 無限創意,啟動未來 Art Loft Creative Arts Centre 擁有豐富國際視野及敎學經驗, 致力培養兒童及青少年釋放思考及創造能力; 亦同時提升個人氣質及擴闊成長生活層面。

PMEG Academy 中心四大導師均畢業於世界排名十大大學學院*, 主修其任教科目並持相關工作經驗。並具多年教授IB, GCE, AP課程經驗及為相關科目之本地/英國準大學生提供預備課程。學生來自各大名校及頂級學府 包括: Diocesan Boys School, ISLAND SCHOOL, St. Paul’s Co-ed, Harrow School, Concord College.
P教學進修 / 補習PMEG Academy

上門私人補習教授普通話(兒童/成人/外籍人士 /公司企業/水平測試考生 );母語普通話&廣東話&流利英語;彈性時間及地點; 聯絡電話:張老師(69007908)
b教學進修 / 語言課程bluecloverleaf

IB tutor, GCE tutor, A level tutori, GCSE tutor, oxford tutor, ib tutorial centre hk, ib tutorial centre, gce psychology, GCE tutorial centre, A level tutorial centre

(香港小姐競選瑜伽導師) 班制/私人瑜伽班 GROUP/PRIVATE YOGA CLASS
運動及健身 / 瑜伽Samantha Yoga

-交通便利, 1分鐘內可到達銅鑼灣地鐵站 -包全屋傢俱, 雙人床, 獨立洗手間, 浴室。 乾淨企理 -包全屋電器, 冷氣, 雪櫃 -無線上網 -高清本地電視 -適合公司短租, 交換生, 旅遊 -可長或短租 -有意可電郵 [email protected] 或致電 (852) 95840204 查詢. - Fully furnished with private shower/toilet,do

If you want: A flexible schedule To study at your own pace Quick improvement To study particular topics Find Hyejin 惠珍 at 51150262 I am a native Korean speaker who can speak English fluent
H教學進修 / 語言課程Hyejin Maeng

A female native english with extensive experience tutoring student in Hong Kong, oral english for adult and young learner
J教學進修 / 補習J.Goodman

IT Training Courses

piano, theory, GCE Music, Performing, Accompaniment
A音樂 / 教學進修Alexis Lai Music

Fully furnished and serviced daily on weekdays. Move-in with suitcase for a peaceful and hassle free stay in the heart of the Causeway Bay.

In addition to exceptional hotel facilities and professional management services.
H物業地產 / 服務式住宅Horizon Hotels and Suites

Prior to creating Urban Cube, I worked as a business consultant traveling all over the globe; living in short term apartments and hotels.
U物業地產 / 服務式住宅Urban Cube Hong Kong Serviced Studios

We strive to provide one-stop services to customers including car searching, retailing, valuation, consignment, car insurance, financing, inspection, repair and maintenance, etc.

Black hair styling, cornrows, dreadlocks, braids, kinki twist, hair extension
美容 / 髮型設計及護髮HONG KONG BRAID

We are totally dedicated to providing leading edge Internet technology and high quality custom software solutions and services.
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫創啓數碼有限公司

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