(852)61373926收購廠商存貨 -成衣.布匹.時裝.毛衫.童裝.內衣褲.手袋. 首飾.鞋.拉鍊.花邊.棉紗,線球.橡筋.皮帶,床上用品.廚房用品.衫辦.貨尾.大人帽專營:時裝收購 收購成衣 成衣收購 手裝收購 收購童裝 收購貨尾 貨尾收購 收購布匹 布料回收 收購存貨 歡迎查詢
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買賣及批發 / 時裝配飾- 女士服飾收購成衣存貨-廖生

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Your wedding dress is the essence of your special day. A spectacular wedding gown with an exquisite sense of simplicity and elegance is the very one you need to enhance your natural beauty .

The Ark Veterinary Clinic was established by Dr. Kylie Griffin in 1995 as a companion animal clinic and hospital. Having worked in Hong Kong for five years prior, Dr. Griffin's aim was to provide the
T寵物 / 獸醫The Ark Veterinary Hospital

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拯救小胸神器!Pink Rock 是一個屬於亞洲年輕女性的內衣香港品牌,提供多款類型內衣,專為東方女性細緻胸型而設,「透氣」、「舒適」及「聚攏」為最大重點。夏日內衣小胸神器「Pantone」系列,為開業至今的銷售冠軍,全方位無痕透氣,夏日炎炎的天氣也不感到局促。全新系列:波希米亞風內衣,正式上架,系列內攏設計加入「雲朵棉」,承托力十足,彷如睡在雲朵中,呵護最嫩潮的胸部,展示出最完美的胸型。

What's included: Nintendo Switch OLED console Nintendo Switch Dock Joy-Con (L) and Joy-Con (R) Two Joy-Con Strap Accessories One Joy-Con Grip HDMI Cable Nintendo Switch AC Adapter
p消閒及娛樂 / 遊戲primespotmart0147

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l設計 / 珠寶設計lowbwinki

專售:性感內衣、 情趣內衣、內衣網上商店、內衣用品、性感內衣商品、情趣內衣商品、制服誘惑、誘惑制服、空姐誘惑、學生誘惑 、 和服誘惑、旗袍誘惑 、香港性感女人店

Blossom Lingerie Shop是一家時尚內衣和泳衣專門店

We have few thousand pieces of ivory product, raw material to clear. Ivory sell with government license, it is legal. Take over whole stock 90% discount. 最後的收藏,有擁有証彫刻象牙料木刻石刻工藝品.
a商業 / 生意頂讓anftrading88

Atelier de Fleur is a floral design company and we offer various floral arrangement services and products 1. Flower deco for wedding and corporate events 2. Floral bouquets 3. Bridal accessories
鮮花及禮籃 / 花店Atelier De Fleur

Rare and adorable Sylvanian Families doll house with lights. Accessories can be added for small additional price. Very heavy: around 3 Kg so best to deliver to you by hand. Can meet at Siu Hong MTR b

Metrosix is an online retailer for computers, mobile phones, tablets and accessories from popular brands. Based in HK, Metrosix also ships worldwide.

MYLove Design HK was born in 2009. We are a young, joyful and modern wedding invitation, accessories and gift company. Not only from Asia, our clients come from all over the world. Elegant inv
M結婚 / 婚宴請柬MYLove HK
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