Far removed from the hubbub of family rooms and busy kitchens, the bedroom is the place where your day begins and ends. Trends come and go, and even now the furnitures of bedroom is evolving.
x家居 / 智能家居xpertgroup

由Mia Cucina (Kitchens by Towngas) 及archiparti舉辦的「築」動廚房 2016設計大賽現正接受報名,無論你是專業設計師、創意無限但缺乏實踐經驗的設計系學生或煮食能手,只要你對廚房空間的設計構思提出創新、出色及有性格的設計,就能獲得由Mia Cucina送出價值一萬港幣的現金券,勝出者更有機會拿走總值超過十四萬八千港幣的獎品!
a設計 / 室內設計archiparti

KITCHEN's PARTY融合咗包場派對同廚房出租嘅概念,為你提供佔地1000呎,能夠容納30人既寬敞派對空間。亦有專業嘅廚師同一流嘅廚具配套,大廚一展身手煮幾味拿手小菜俾啲friends食,無難度!!
K消閒及娛樂 / 派對場地KITCHEN's PARTY

Convention Plaza Apartments is one of the Hong Kong's most prestigious residential addresses. Located on Hong Kong Island
M物業地產 / 服務式住宅Marriott Properties (Int'l) Ltd
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