
British Native Tutor Wanted!
教學進修 / 補習NAT English Services Limited

中小學 外籍導師上門
親子 / 補習NAT English Services Limited

PLC control system, Working is stably and reliably; Easy to operate touch screen controal interface; Memory funcion, control the order of PCB's pass in and out;
L買賣及批發 / 電子產品Leaderway Industrial Co.,Ltd

PLC control system, Working is stably and reliably; Easy to operate tonch LED buttons or touch screen control interface; The pnematic clamps of top and buttom three point provided for the magazine
L買賣及批發 / 電子產品Leaderway Industrial Co.,Ltd

PLC control system, Working is stably and reliably; Easy to operate touch screen controal interface; FIFO(first in first out),LIFO(last in first out) and through function optina;
L買賣及批發 / 電子產品Leaderway Industrial Co.,Ltd

supply Vitronics Soltec Selective Soldering spare parts, like C70292B, C400072,.... original brand new 6~8weeks lead time
L買賣及批發 / 電子產品Leaderway Industrial Co.,Ltd

Hi, I am Japanese native speaker in Causeway bay. (From MTR 5min by walk)I would like to teach everyone who interested in Japanese language. I have 10years teaching experience in HK.I can teach from b

Enabay.com 是香港一站式的網上購物平台,主要銷售各類商品,其中有各種各樣的電子產品如無線耳機, 藍牙揚聲器,手機,充電寶,可謂應有盡有,只要身邊有手機或電腦,便可輕鬆購物。
E買賣及批發 / 電子產品Enabay.com 香港大型網上購物平台

任何手機及電腦問題 均可維修 工程團隊代理 Whatsapp 93490645/ 53322908 工程部熱線21092260

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買賣及批發 / 電子產品全球陽光環保回收公司

Hello I'm rayson 我做手機維修 剛從澳洲回港創業 價錢比同行少一半 日後請多關照 有上門維修服務 只要like 同share 全部照價減$50 https://m.facebook.com/fixphonepro/ Hello I'm rayson. I come back from Australia 🇦🇺 And now I'm starting to do a bus

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Explosion-proof RX70 incremental encoders with an aluminium housing have been designed specifically for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
買賣及批發 / 電子產品Automate Control Engineering Ltd.

團隊來自澳洲昆士蘭,信心保證,1個月保養,原裝零件 立即致電 28655501 / 97287470 免檢查費 · 各大牌子手機/Microsoft Surface/Macbook維修 即日可取 主板維修,換屏,換電,無聲......

原價37800,九成半新,現半價岀售,因搬屋割愛,有意者或試用,請聯絡 WhatsApp ,吳65776210

買賣及批發 / 電子產品香港創意科技有限公司
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