太子區全職女導師:擁有三張演奏級鋼琴證書LRSM, Dip ABRSM,Trinity ATCL:專業教授鋼琴﹑豎琴,Dip ABRSM演奏級及榮獲英國皇家音樂學院八級豎琴(優異成績)豐富豎琴表演,Harp Wedding performance,豎琴演奏經驗 鋼琴老師 豎琴老師 教琴老師 上門鋼琴老師 太子學琴 九龍灣學琴 九龍城區教琴 九龍塘學琴 何文田學琴 宋皇臺站 啟德 啟德鋼琴老師 太子
M音樂 / 教學進修Miss Hung

With the Mid-Levels pedestrian escalator situated next to us. access to the Central Business District, MTR Station, Airport Express and Star Ferry Terminal are only a few minlutes walk away.

緬因貓、英短貓 質素保證, 真自家繁殖 包一針👍 另外包括杜蟲杜蝨 永久售後咨詢服務 歡迎致電 或 Whatsapp 54399939查詢。 相片不定期更新,如欲了解最新貓仔,請直接聯絡。 英國短毛貓 緬因貓寶寶 14天健康保證期

Magical Science 專為小朋友舉行科學主題的生日會,為生日會做科學主題佈置,我們主題廣泛包括科學乾冰派對,做小火山, 酸鹼顏色變化等等...... 團隊運用專業知識 給小朋友一個 非一舨夢幻的Birthday party !
m表演藝術 / 場地佈置及出租magicalscience2000

"GOA" poise body & shocked absober Electronic brake force distribution with ABS 7-speed super CVT +/- Engine immobilizer Smart Key HYBIRD body kit HYBIRD Chrome grille HYBIRD Rear lamp

Design is somethink which fills weddin' with beauty, joy, and grace. And makes the whole weddin' we have become a better and happier memory.

嗨Fun臺灣 / 民宿宜蘭民宿

We offer a relaxing environment with no unnecessary stressors such as barking dogs or unsympathetic handling. We pride ourselves on offering a highly individualized service.
9寵物 / 獸醫9 Lives Cat Hospital

主要範圍: Business Mgt, Human Resources Mgt, Tourism, Project Mgt, HK Law, Building & Construction, Education, Marketing & Advertising, Psychology, Nursing, Medical, Housing Facilities Mgt

北角平租免傭套房 浴室 小厨房 交通方便 洋樓有窗 適合愛乾淨夫妻和單身人士 有意請電: 69913418 Room available for rent at North Point Small kitchenette, sink and bathroom Suitable for couple or singles Interested person(s) call: 69913418

Our vision is to deliver competitive advantages for enterprises and government organizations to progress by optimizing their information systems efficiency. C&T has the experience and knowledge o
I手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫IPL Research Limited

We offer European & Japanese car trading services with attractive price. You may advertise your car in our website by providing photos and particulars free of charge.
S汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Sincere Motors Network Co Ltd

An 8th location, “Izi” – on Hollywood Road, Central, focuses on serviced commercial office space, making Ovolo definitively stand out among its’ peers.

most of the car distributors' maintenance workshops are located. equipped with a full size spay/baking room which is utilized by many tuning companies within Hong Kong.

Main Focus is an exclusive agent of several reputable brands. Such as XX HID, enon HID, Focus 7 color meter as well as the quality EL dashboard.

軒苑農場提供多種園林產品, 園藝資材: 耐UV花盆/肥料/水苔/肥料/樹皮等 溫室配件: 遮光網/針織網/防蟲網/防草蓆/膠紙/壓槽等 植物: 趣味蘭花/稀有植物 We provide many types of horticultural products!!! Growing media and supplies: UV-resisted Plastic Pots/ Fertilizers/

本公司為一專營、介紹套房、民宿的服務公司,有多個優質套房,為商務旅客或本地客人提供長期或短期的住宿服務。 本公司也提供一站式的管理及租務服務,為業主招租、收租及管理物業。 本公司的管理物業包括位於銅鑼灣市中心、豪華裝修、珀麗酒店及中央圖書館旁邊,房間享有維多利亞公園海景,或遠眺禮頓山景色,交通、購物方便。24小時保安、獨立密碼、電梯。全套傢俬包括床、高身衣櫃。書台,電器包括雪櫃、電視、冷氣機等。

Clean bright self-contained serviced apartments, fully furnished and equipped with all the trimmings of continental European homes
1物業地產 / 服務式住宅151 and 163 Furnished Apartments in Hong Kong

獨立主人套房出租,獨立廁所連傢俱,包管理費及差餉,精緻園景。只限女生,廚房,露台及客廳跟另外兩位來港工作的女生共用,可享用會所設施(游泳池, 健身室) 鄰近大型商場,食肆及大型超市林立、圖書館、銀行、醫療設備,歡迎科技大學生,實習生,交流生承租。

b美容 / 美甲blingblinghouse
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