From furniture to fittings, Shama apartments combine hip style with supreme functionality.
S物業地產 / 服務式住宅Shama Management Ltd

We provide free WIFI internet broadband. Comparison to other serviced apartments, our room rate is reasonable and flexible monthly leases. Please feel free to contact us for reservation.

綠悅工作坊 Sweet . Fun . Taste 3月至5月 錦上農莊半天遊 March to May 田園種植 烹飪班 活動 種植 採摘 耕田 士多啤梨 親子活動 BB活動 WORKSHOP 工作班

car insurance; motor financing, auspicious car plate number; repair & maintenance services; supply of car parts; motor inspection and car grooming services, etc.

The Company has initiated to offer a 2-year guarantee services indicating its confidence in the products and to satisfy the needs of all its customers.
C汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠China Kong Auto Body Builders

Unlimited online tutorial for a fix price for $1000 including 2 hour face to face tutorial +'' 2 hour SKYPE tutorial (Promotional offer for first 20 students only) ''
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker7

IB, IGCSE, GCSE, GCE AL, DSE ( Chem、 Physics、Maths ) - GUARANTEE A to A*
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker7

特惠價錢招募客人. 如客人需要合作夥伴,辦事處 或 場地 或 教育教學 或 Yoga/Dancing @灣仔, 請即與本人聯絡. 歡迎代理垂詢. Whatsapp us at 93493491 if want to have office / venue @wanchai
商業 / 商業優惠NorthSun Group

I want to sell my Used 2015 Toyota Highlander XLE

2016第68屆香港學校朗誦節及2017第二十三屆聖經朗誦節,由專業朗誦教師輔導,提供一對一或小組授課課程,幫助學生在比賽中取得佳績;也可推薦學生參加校際朗誦或聖經朗誦節比賽,讓學生充分發揮出才能!Provide Chinese Speech Festival and Bible Speech FestivalTraining to students

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A商業 / 商業優惠Anzelnet

Extra office space can accommodate to 4-5 work desks

Easy to access and Ready for use, 易泊可自用及高租金回報

Private MANDARIN LESSONS at your office / home: 我們 是一支以普通話為母語的老師隊伍,導師具多年教學經驗,耐心誠懇,現教授的學生為名校學生,私人銀行,企業人士私人教學;專注需求,量體裁衣式教學,能讓您很快自信地說普通話,自在地表達暢所欲言。語言要多講多說多用, 而不是你學了一大堆理論,一開口卻張口結舌。
F教學進修 / 語言課程

2 hours a lesson per week on site tutoring, other days by Whatsapp
S教學進修 / 補習Sir_Wong

優惠價錢. 先到先得

GREENSCREEN Facade System, Vertical Green Walls, Project Management, Fitting Out, Sustainable Installations 室內裝飾、翻新、專業綠化及可持續能源系統的安裝及特殊建築項目 - 工程策劃及技術支援的專業團隊
Y商業 / 建築及建造Your professional partner
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