東華三院伍若瑜夫人紀念中學(葵青區) TUNG WAH GROUP OF HOSPITALS MRS WU YORK YU MEMORIAL COLLEGE 辦學宗旨: 本校秉承東華三院的辦學精神,實施「全人教育」,讓學生發揮潛能;並以校訓「勤、儉、忠、信」為進德修業的依歸,勉勵學生拓展豐盛而有意義的人生。 學校健康生活 學校關注學生及教師的體格及心理健康, 學生在不同的運動活動均有良好表現。

In April 1967 the Chan family approached the Jesuits to ask if they would be interested in taking over the running of a secondary school to the building of which they intended contributing in memory

The MISSION & VISION of Valtorta College is to 1. provide our students with an all-round education which includes the aspects of Virtue, Knowledge, Health, Community Spirit, Aesthetics and Spirit

健康及醫療 / 醫療護理愛護健essencelifecare

Would you happen to have a really friendly dog who just loves to meet new people? Is he/she a part of the family loved by everyone? Is your dog part of your life where you look so forward to greeting
G寵物 / 獸醫Green Cross Veterinary Clinics

Would you happen to have a really friendly dog who just loves to meet new people? Is he/she a part of the family loved by everyone? Is your dog part of your life where you look so forward to greeting
G寵物 / 獸醫Green Cross Veterinary Clinics

正記機械貿易公司在香港專營全新或二手洗衣設備, 零件及維修超過30多年,商譽良好,信用保証。 為客戶提供全新或二手洗衣機、脫水機、乾衣機、乾洗機及所有工業洗衣設備零件。為客戶提供專業顧問、安裝、維修、售後保養。 多年來我們為客人包辦洗衣設備工程及維修包括酒店、 洗衣廠、乾洗店、醫院、療養院及政府機構。
家居 / 洗衣正記機械貿易公司 www.ckm.hk TEL: 23602176

e健康及醫療 / 私家看護essencelifecare

NovaLab 提供如網頁設計、程式編寫、網絡應用程式、網頁寄存、伺服器等。
A設計 / 網頁設計Andy Chan

香港愛護健專業醫護服務 Essence Life Care 私家看護 Private Nurse 健康產品 Healthcare
健康及醫療 / 私家看護Essencelifecare

香港唯一 "國際職業穿環會APP" 贊助的職業人體穿環師. 來自加拿大, 實行西方專家級的人體穿環手工技術. 我嚴格遵守美國/北美的身體穿環技術和衛生標準.
美容 / 紋身及穿環shepiercedme

兩房一廳, 靚裝, 租金高回報, 低密度
M物業地產 / 住宅買賣Maggie 林小姐

健康及醫療 / 私家看護愛護健essencelifecare

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong in 1996, carrying baby and children products including furniture, bed and bath goods, baby wear and accessories, toys and gifts.

Since we specialize and only concentrate in air duct cleaning, we are experts in our field.
M商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Microdust (HK) Ltd

THE LINEAR MAKATI Targeting the younger generation working in Makati, Filinvest Land, Inc. (FLI) has come up with The Linear, a master-planned mixed use residential and commercial development that en
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