日間船河 - 水上活動包括大型吹氣船尾滑梯 , 充氣三角形滑梯 , 水上充氣陀螺 , 水上遙遙板 , 水上彈跳床 , 水上飛碟 , 水上火箭 , 360 度飛船 , 香蕉船 , 獨木舟 , 直立板,wakeboard , wakesurf 等 。
消閒及娛樂 / 遊船河、租船Endura Products Company Ltd

Fresh, dynamic and experienced, Easy Home is a world-class property agency committed to providing its clients w ith the highest professional standard of service.

BON'S HOME cupcake,cookies,macarons 適合結婚回禮,節日,生日,公司派對,謝師宴 , 歡迎查詢.

Products:Furniture, Decor,Clothing,Rugs,Light Set,Seating,Bedding & Mattress,New Born,On the Go & Gear,Feeding,Bath & Skin Care

We are missioned to provide the most pleasant experience with perium products of market leaders and professional technicians in the heart of Central
N美容 / 美甲Nail Waxing

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong in 1996, carrying baby and children products including furniture, bed and bath goods, baby wear and accessories, toys and gifts.

承接以下工程 裝修及維修: 水電、油漆、泥水、傢俬廚櫃、潔具安裝 拆卸工程: 僭建物、石棉、業主交吉還原、招牌、清理傢私雜物、建築廢料及五金.. 興建工程: 丁屋、別墅、舊屋重建、圍牆、擋土牆、興建丁屋套餐、申請水電錶及滿意紙、合作發展、策劃興建、土地買賣..
家居 / 室內設計及裝修億樂高工程有限公司

承接各項天花 間隔石膏板.木板.明架.鋁質.地板.油漆等工程。本人親力親為不怕你價比價最怕你唔知價。免費上門度尺 歡迎電95892837黃生查詢 免費報價

價錢: 每月HK$645(包1000張黑白, 100張彩色),其後$0.07/張 黑白, $0.8/張 彩色。

Fanny Florist Ltd Offers the freshest and highest quality floral arrangements for all occasions. We have been providing floral products to our customers for over twenty years. We offer different vari
F鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花Fanny Florist Ltd.

室內設計 小型裝修 訂做傢俬 明碼實價 專業可靠 我地除左全屋裝修🧱🪜 仲會幫人裝傢俬🛠同鋁窗🪟啊❣️ 🔆只要好好利用小小空間都可以變成儲物既空間💯 ☎️全屋裝修 設計 都可以搵我地上門報價🤙🤙 電話:55033205
F家居 / 室內設計及裝修Further Engineering

GOODVIEW RATTAN Co., Ltd. (GRL) has been established since 1977 & was incorporated in 1981. GUANGDONG China Head-quarters with office, show-rooms, living-quarters, RATTAN factories & warehouse
消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝佳景籐業有限公司

Find various marine products in Heng Fung Yacht! An established professional marine company which belongs to Heng Fung Yacht based in Hong Kong since 2008. We supply many kinds of products to enhance

106 furnished serviced apartments together with luxury work & rest place. Great location, comfortable & home like feeling.
物業地產 / 服務式住宅木的地.R優越服務式住宅 

仁濟樂在家有限公司 為回應人口急速老化的居家安老服務需求,仁濟醫院社會服務部聯同新界社團聯會及嶺南大學亞太老年學研究中心於2011年3月成立「仁濟樂在家」,致力拓展護理行業勞動市場,為有需要的長者提供一站式優質並具彈性的家居支援、健康護理、復康及照顧服務。服務因應長者個別需要,提供個人化的復康訓練,促進身體復康機能及提升自我照顧能力,達致「快樂在家生活」的願景。 服務一覽 我們的專業團隊致
長者 / 保健養生仁濟樂在家有限公司

居屋皇有限公司(HouseKing Limited),是一家集裝修工程、室內設計、建材零售為一體的公司,主要業務為居屋/公屋的設計裝修。由屢獲大獎的黃意聰(Pencil Wong)先生擔任設計總監。 ✔承接各類大小工程 ✔居屋皇而家仲同匯豐銀行合作,提供最長24個月免息分期計劃💳💳💳 ✔報價一分鐘就搞掂晒,無論係設計、價錢、用料、預算 ✔簡單輸入資料,索取報價,價目流程 一目了然👀👀

本店採用英國純天然香薰產品,無人造色素、雜質,適合任何皮膚,一站式美容、瘦身、按摩、痛症,全店單次收費,明碼實價,絕不hard sell

Regus is the world’s largest provider of workplace solutions, offering the widest range of products and services that allow individuals and companies to work however, wherever, and whenever the
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