搜尋 hair style

我們推出的婚攝套餐可選擇本公司獨家代理的品牌婚紗,讓新娘更容易配搭不同的婚攝場景需要,令你們的Pre-Wedding照片更加獨特✨ 無論喜歡簡約風格或奢華浪漫風,都能夠滿足你們的各種需要~我們的輕婚紗系列也是十分受歡迎的!為新娘們在不同的外景拍攝上都能突出個人魅力,散發簡約而高貴的氣息!門店現正進行多個限定優惠!!*婚紗、宴會晚裝及禮服租借*婚攝套餐、攝影師服務*化妝及造型,立即查詢婚攝套預約試身
結婚 / 婚紗禮服Bride Sweet Wedding

工作職責: 為客人提供專業頭髮護理療程 職位要求: 具相關美髮經驗者優先 歡迎有意投身行業者,無經驗亦可 細心有禮,積極主動,著重團體精神 以客為先,注重服務質素 員工福利: 無條件包薪 每月6天例假 年假12天起 勞工假期 豐厚佣金 特高業績獎金 出勤獎金 年終雙糧 醫療保險 有薪生日假 / 婚假 / 產假 / 恩恤假 員工購物優惠 專業在職培訓 良好晉升機會 分店:中環 / 銅鑼灣

Bride Sweet Wedding is the agent of many European and American wedding dress brands, and the brand it represents is one of the top fifteen wedding dress brands in the world. Our exclusive Asian tailor
結婚 / 婚紗禮服Bride Sweet Wedding

A美容 / 髮型設計及護髮Advanced Hair Studio

古法線眉-修眉修眉服務 去專櫃修眉成日要坐喺個counter度俾人望住晒? 我哋設有獨立房間俾每一位客人.私隱度高! 每位客人完成服務後都會徹底消毒房間及工具.咁就可以安心扮靚啦😍😍
w美容 / 脫毛wowlashbrowsalon

兩周內取得學歷 - 沒有最低要求入學條件,全英語網上授課 - 適合各行各業人士修讀, - 強力協助各學生成功取得證書/文憑 - 節省學生們的時間 - 證書/文憑有助學生尋找工作, - 課程有一定認受性,但最終決定權取決於個別雇主 - 課程範疇廣闊,基本上包括各行各業: (1) Technology (2) Language (3) Science (4) Health (5) Humanitie

HK Wedding Band / Live Band: Professional Event Music Planner, Musicians, Singers (Filipino & Local), Backup Vocalists & Audio Engineers; Plays Jazz, Blues, Pop, Samba, R&B, Dance and Classical music.
結婚 / 婚禮演奏Deans Live Music

"Office Space and Event Venue Rental in Central 香港中環辦公室及活動場地租用"

They say a picture paints a thousand words.  At ME2 Productions by Horace Mui, we believe that live music brings out even more—tunes will resonate after the last note is strummed, composing the perfe
M結婚 / 婚禮演奏ME2 Productions

Deans Live Music: Professional Event Music Planner - Jazzy Romantic Classics To Joyful Party Music Expert; Tailor-Made Banquet Music Rundown

- Have been teaching physics and mathematics for eight years - Familiar with DSE and GCE syllabus - Numerous mock papers are provided - Excellent techniques in presenting abstract physics and math
m教學進修 / 補習martintong

LT Studio Semi-permanent makeup Eyebrow Embroidery Semi-Permanent Eyeliner Semi-Permanent Lip Tint Eyelash Extension
L美容 / 美容優惠LT Studio
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